Caroline Crocker - ID promoter

Caroline Crocker - ID promoter
"There really is not a lot of evidence for evolution,"

"Without the accountability of Judgment Day and Hell, why would people follow the Ten Commandments?"
Caroline Crocker
caroline crocker
Caroline Crocker
Irene Caroline Crocker:

BS 1979, University of Warwick
MS 1993, University of Birmingham
PhD immunopharmacology 1999 , University of Southampton.
At wikipedia

First Executive Director of IDEA center (left in Summer 2008)

Testifying for "academic freedom" in Louisiana

Intellectual freedom must include conservative professors

New! - Caroline Crocker at Skeptic magazine

Website - at the Christian Post

Do ID proponents get persecuted?

Eden and Evolution (Washington Post)

Cast out from class (Nature) - at Way of the Woo

Her research is largely practically oriented immunopharmacology

Most highly cited reference (of 22) at Science Citation Index 1
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