Chemistry page
Chemistry page

History of chemistry - (link) - Donald Othmer biography (Othmer Library) has Lincoln, Omaha connections

Silly molecules, Discovery of the elements - Alkali metals - video

Henry's law, Buckminsterfullerene at wikipedia

Chemical principles - animations, Macromolecular movements

Molecular graphics, Help with organic - Online free organic text

Virtual Chemistry - from Oxford, Virtual organic - Chem labs

Lavoisier, Entropy, Virtual textbook - New! Chemistry blogs

Interviews with National Academy members

Online unit conversions - Analytical sciences

Biochemistry online, The serum proteome

Everyday chemistry, Electrochemistry, Astrochemistry

Wavelet tutorial, spectroscopy - Combinatorial chemistry

Historical papers - ACS chemical landmarks

Proteins - disorder prediction - also

RNA, RNA folding - The Hammond postulate

Mass spectrometry


Biomolecular interactions

Linus Pauling Exhibit - Linus Pauling and DNA


Department of Chemistry - Wisconsin

Small molecular entities

Institute for Chemical Education - Wisconsin

Molecular logic, Chemical genealogy

Green chemistry 1
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