Education department names David Awbrey communications director

Education department names David Awbrey communications director
Posted on Thu, Nov. 17, 2005

Associated Press
TOPEKA, Kan. - David Awbrey, former editorial page editor for The Wichita Eagle, is the new communications director for the state Department of Education.

In announcing the appointment Thursday, Education Commissioner Bob Corkins said Awbrey will join the agency in December. A native of Hutchinson, Awbrey received his undergraduate degree in history and graduate degree in religious studies from the University of Kansas. In addition to the Eagle, he was editorial page editor at the Southern Illinoisan in Carbdondale, and The Burlington Free Press in Vermont.

He joins the agency at a time when the Kansas Board of Education has been in the spotlight for its approval of new science standards treating evolution as a flawed theory, generating controversy among scientists. 1
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