Architects and infrastructure

Architects and infrastructure

Gilbert Stanley Underwood - Union Station, Omaha - history

Bertram Goodhue - State capitol

Thomas Kimball - Kimball residence - Trans Mississippi exposition, more on Trans Mississippi - Expolinks

Omaha history timeline

Thomas Lincoln Casey - Sheldon Art Gallery - Philip Johnson

New York Armories

Paris Exposition des Arts Decoratifs - 1925 - some photos - more

Nicholas Hawksmoor - Country houses and London churches

John Nash - Regency London

John Wood - Royal Crescent (Bath)

The Gherkin (London) - at wikipedia

The national capitol - Constantino Brumidi


Flatiron building at wikiepdia - images

New! - Palladio slide show

World Trade Center news

Thomas Cubitt - London developer - Belgravia, Osborne House

Inigo Jones

Architectural images

Robert Moses - Merritt Parkway 1
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