Age of the Earth - resources

Age of the Earth - resources
Good summary, Adam Sedgwick abandons flood geology (1831)

History of the collapse of flood geology

At wikipedia - At Talk Origins - Table of nuclides

Dalrymple on the age of the Earth - New! Brief description of radiometric dating

Early critique of Kelvin's estimate of the age of the Earth

At the US Geological Survey - Geochronology @ USGS

Astronomy course - historical perspective

Radiometric dating, Do deeper strata give older dates?

Video description of potassium-argon dating

Radiometric dating - a Christian source

Constancy of radioactive decay

Isotope geology online, Are radiometric dates consistent?

Isotope geochemistry course online

Why radiocarbon dating works

Radio carbon resources Dendrochronology, the oldest trees

John Stear's radiometric dating links

Teaching radiometric dating

Radioapologetics 1
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