Advice to a creationist
Advice to a potential creationist debater
Dear Creationist,

We conventional scientists appreciate your zeal and commitment to show us the errors of evolution. However, it has been our experience that the vast majority of challengers such as yourself are woefully unequipped for this endeavor. So to save us all time and grief, and to keep you from making an utter fool of yourself, we've prepared this text to guide you.

Step 1: Do you know anything at all about evolution? (you'd be surprised how many creationists don't). Please answer the following yes or no questions:

1. Does evolution rely entirely on randomness?

2. Does evolution violate the 2nd law of thermodynamics?

3. Does evolution say anything about the origin of life?

4. Does evolution say anything about the origin of the universe?

5. Does evolution deny the existence of God?

6. Does evolution proceed from simplicity to complexity?

7. Does evolution proceed from lower to higher life forms?

8. Does evolution incorporate the notion of progress?

9. Does evolution have any moral consequences?

10. Does evolution stipulate any political attitudes?

11. Is evolution incompatible with any major religion?

12. Is it true that their are no transitional forms?

13. Is it true that natural processes can't create information?

Step 2: Scoring. Count up the number of times you answered "yes". If this number is zero, proceed to step 3. Otherwise slam your head against the wall as many times as you answered "yes" and go back to step 1.

Step 3: Materials. Do you have materials authored by ICR members? If so throw them away. Use them here and you'll be held responsible for the blatant lies and stupidity in them.

Step 4: Conventional Science Quotes. Do you plan to present quotes from conventional scientists that seem to disagree with evolution? If so, make sure that you have them from the original sources and that they are quoted in full and in context. If you have misquotes and typical creationist butcher jobs, you'll be destroyed without mercy.

Step 5: Creationist Quotes. If you have quotes from creationists, they'd better be supported. And if the creationists claim educational or scientific backgrounds, degrees, titles, and such, you'd better check them and make sure they are reliable. If we catch you quoting liars, we'll treat you as a liar yourself.

Step 6: Anecdotes. If you have stories that you think bolster your case, be prepared to cite verifiable specifics. Be assured that we'll check up on you.

--- By Dr Pepper 1
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