# 4 Oct 1993
umask 077
set path=(~/bin /usr/ccs/bin /usr/ucb /bin /usr/bin /usr/sbin /usr/local /usr/local/bin /usr/openwin/bin /usr/openwin .)
set mail = "/var/mail/$USER"
# the below are essential for restart
# BUT don't use them since I might not be called cllee everywhere I go
# set cwd  = "/homes/cllee"
# set home = "/homes/cllee"
# set user = "cllee"
set ignoreeof
set notify
set history = 100
set savehist = 100
# set time = 1 
set filec
set fignore=(.o)
# 5 April 1994 : Additions for tcsh
set recexact
set autolist
set matchbeep=notunique
# End of Additions
set noclobber
# msgs -q
limit core 0
# Normal aliases
alias ls        ls -F
alias ll        ls -lasg
alias m         mail
alias c         clear
alias cp        cp -i
alias f         finger
alias h         history
alias j         jobs
alias mv        mv -i
if (! $?prompt) exit
# create tmpdir 
set tmpdir = ~/.wastebasket
if (! (-e $tmpdir)) then
        echo $tmpdir has been deleted. Creating, ...
        mkdir $tmpdir
        chmod 755 $tmpdir
        echo $tmpdir created. 
        ls -al $tmpdir
        echo Contents of $tmpdir
        ls -las $tmpdir
# Now that the temporary directory has been set up, we can proceed 
# with our aliases
alias rr        'alias rm "mv \\!* $tmpdir"'
alias rm        'mv \!* $tmpdir'
alias ur        unalias rm
# alias unrm    'mv $tmpdir/\!* .'
# these are bruce's aliases
# alias cd      'setenv old $cwd; chdir \!*'
# alias cd      'setenv old $cwd; chdir \!*; set prompt="'hostname' : $cwd:t % "'
# alias cd      'setenv old $cwd; chdir \!*; set prompt="$hname : $cwd:t % "'
set hname = `hostname` 
alias sp        'set prompt="$hname : $cwd:t % "'
alias cd        'setenv old $cwd; chdir \!*; sp'
alias mf        'mail -f +\!*'
alias fm        'fgrep \!* .mailrc'
alias sc        'source ~/.cshrc'
alias sl        'source ~/.login'
alias popd      'popd; sp'
alias pd        'pushd \!*; sp'
alias back      'setenv t $old; cd $t'
# alias rut     ruptime
# alias ut      uptime
# Networking
# see groups for mailing lists /groups/mailinglists
# alias lib     telnet garcon.cso.uiuc.edu 620
# alias book    less /groups/admin/biblios/csrd
alias find      'find /* -name \!* -exec ls -lasgF {} \; | grep \!* >& find_out &'
# xxx%yyy.yy%[email protected] = to net to xxx to yyy 
# the following converts a numerical address to character name
# alias ptr echo \!$ \| awk -F. \'\{printf \"set q=PTR\\n%s.%s.%s.%s.in-addr.arpa\\n\",\$4,\$3,\$2,\$1\}\' \| /etc/nslookup
alias se stty erase 
# These are added for call report entering
# alias setup   'stty columns 55; tset; echo number of columns is now 55'
# alias unsetup 'stty columns 80; tset; echo number of columns is now 80'
# 26 May 1994
# To tar from aba, tape drive in /dev/rmt/0, to another machine
#       1)      create the .rhosts file from ~cllee/doc/rhost
#       2)      make sure that ~cllee and ~cllee/.rhosts is 
#               readable
#       3)      login to the remote host
#       4)      rsh aba -l cllee -n dd if=/dev/rmt/0 | tar xvfB -
alias lpr       'lp -onb -osimplex'
alias lq        'lpq -Php4si'

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