Title: Thanksgiving
Author: JB McCaye
Email: [email protected]

Spoilers: None
Classification: Harm/Mac Short
Summary: Thanksgiving alone

Disclaimer: Don't own them and do you think I would be stuck here and in debt if I did? Gee someone must be drunk off their rocker! I might return them when I am done, but right now they are keeping me company!

Sarah's Apartment
1100 EST

She was walking around her apartment feeling caged in. She had nothing to do. It was a Thursday and she could not even go to work.  Every one was celebrating with their families. It was not that no one had invited her, they had. She just did not want to intrude on the family dinner.

In her kitchen there was no festive food, she had purposefully avoided buying anything. In fact she was planning on making some hamburger helper later on (was that a crime today?). To her this was just another day. Her father had never let her do anything after her mother had walked out on them. She had become accustomed to the loneliness on days like this.

Sarah dropped to her couch and picked up the remote, there was nothing on. Was there ever when you were bored? "I suppose I could do some work" she mumbled to herself. She bent down and retrieved her briefcase, that still lay next to her couch were she had dropped it the previous night. "Okay, time to get the Alderhurst court marshal under way."

1400 EST

She looked up from the pile she had created all around her. She was always amazed at how easy it was for her to get involved in a case till even she lost track of the time. She had only eaten a  bowl of cereal for breakfast and now she was getting really hungry. She went into her kitchen and set some ground beef out to thaw, she really was not in the mood for this type of food. The thought of it was almost making her sick, but she knew that she would need the energy to make it through the rest of the day.

She left the meat and went into her bedroom and pulled a book of the shelf, one that she had been meaning to read for some time. She knew she had work to do, but hey today was a holiday she was going to indulge herself. Besides the case was going no where until Harm could work with her. And she was not about to bug him when he was enjoying his romantic dinner with Elizabeth. She was even clingier the Jordan ever was, and for a brunette she fit the dumb blond role to the letter. And he is always on her for the men she picks!

1500 EST

She was pulled out of her novel by a knock at her door. 'Who could that be?'

She opened the door to find Mic standing there looking all smug and happy with himself. "Goo' day, Mac, can I come in?"

"I am sorry, Mic, but I am really not up to company today. Maybe some other time alright."

"Sure, you know I won't ever give up." And he turned and left.

She closed the door; "Not if I have anything to do with it!" she could not believe the nerve of that man.

She went into the kitchen and prepared her unappetizing meal.

1545 EST

She had hardly eaten any of the 'Lasagna' or at least that is what it was being advertised as, she was not so sure. It had noodles, and meat, and some cheese like substance, and there was a reddish-orange sauce involved, it just did not seem like something edible to her. She got up and quickly put the leftovers in the fridge, just in case on the off chance she might want it later and went back to her novel.

1854 EST

She had fallen asleep on her couch. There was a knock at her door that woke her up. "Now who is it?"

She got up and wrapped her afghan around her body, and went slowly to the door. She opened the door and there was a handsome sailor standing there carrying a basket.


"I could not stand it any longer so I told Elizabeth to leave and spend it with her mother like she was saying she should do and then I basically told her I was not going to see her again."

"And you came here because?"

"Well I knew you were not doing anything and I had cooked all this food, and my Marine is always hungry!"

"What did you call me?"

"I said that you are always hungry, why?" When she continued to look at him, "Can I come in?"

She just moved to the side and let him enter. He went to the table and began setting it with candles and crystal that he had brought with him. To say the least she was shocked. He quickly lit the candles and turned to her. "Dinner is served."

She walked over and looked at the amazing set up that had taken him about 5 minutes to place.

"Harm what are you up to?"

"Just giving you Thanksgiving that's all"

She smiled as he pulled out the chair for her and sat down opposite her.

"Thank you, Harm."


Page design: © August, 2001. Rorie Brianne Web Designs J

Fic and other content (excluding pictures): © 1999-2001. Jessica Brynn
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