Title: Silent Wishes
Author: Jessica B. McCaye 
E-mail: [email protected]

Classification: S, R (Harm/Mac)
Spoilers: "The Object of Her Affection"
Summary: A wedding helps Harm and Mac in the right direction.

Disclaimer: The characters and premise of JAG belong to CBS, BeliPro, etc. I am only borrowing them; I'll return them when I'm done, maybe, although I would like to keep Harm. Please don't sue me, I'm a poor college student, you won't get anything out of me... just some books that I don’t even understand half of the time... Besides, if you do... I'll get Harm and Mac to defend me.

Any characters not regularly on the show are probably mine.

Note: This story occurs about 3 months after The Object of Her Affection.  And, Yes, this is a true shipper story.

Hotel Ballroom (Washington)
2100 Zulu (1600 EST)

The ceremony had been beautiful, exactly what his sister deserved.  Thomas Imes was happy for his sister, she and the A.J made a very nice couple. After the challenge they had had to be  together, they had an excellent chance of staying that way. The reception was in full swing, a party none would forget for a long time. Thomas turned to look at the dance floor, the best man, Harmon Rabb, was dancing with one of the bridesmaids.  She had short brown hair that had just the right amount of curl in it. Her head barely came up to her partner's shoulder, but that only enhanced her beauty, as well as made her look delicate. Something that if you knew her would be the last thing you thought of to describe her.

A beautiful woman came up beside him, the Maid-of-Honor to be exact. “Dance with me, Thomas,” she said laying her hand on his arm.

“Sure, Stacy, have I told you how much I love you lately?”

“Not in the last few minutes,” she said as he lead her out onto the floor.

“Well, I love you.”



“Being here makes me a little jealous. Not that I begrudge Carolyn her happiness. I just wish we could be there. I want children, your children, Tom. I’m not getting any younger you know. I just wish we could have some of that.”

“I know, Stacy, but I can’t put you through that worry.”

“Do you think our not being married worries me less?”

“No. Can we talk about this later? I don’t want to bring down Carolyn’s day?”

“Sure, Tom, as long as we do talk about it.”

Dancing with Mac was one of the best parts of this evening and he was loathe to give up the sensation. But as the best man he had a responsibility to toast the bride and groom.

“Mac, do you think that I should go toast the Admiral and Carolyn now?”

“I think it would be appropriate”

They stopped dancing and walked over to the bandstand where a mike was set up.

“Can I have everyone’s attention for a moment?” Harm said. “As best man it is my duty as well as privilege to propose a toast to the bride and groom. Of course since the groom is my C.O. I guess I have to say something nice.”

He smiled as laughter filled the room. “But, in all seriousness: To Carolyn and A.J., may your life be filled with love, and your home with children.”

“Carolyn and A.J.” the crowd responded.

Mac pulled him aside “‘filled with children’ hmm, that was cruel to Carolyn.”

“I never said they all had to be theirs.” he said and flashed his flyboy grin.


“May I have this dance?”

“Why of course, Sailor” she had been trying to figure a way to get back into his arms, and he solved the problem for her. <How does he do that?>

<I love just holding her in my arms. Sometimes I wish we did not have to work together> Harm's thoughts were wandering.

Sarah had to fight not to let her head rest on Harm's chest. It seemed like the most natural thing for her to do. <He makes me feel so safe, so protected. Why did work always have to get in the way?>

The music came to a stop and so did the wonderful feeling of being in each other's arms. A polite pattering of applause; Harm and Mac joined in.

The evening went on as most wedding receptions do. More toasts, more dancing. The bride threw her bouquet, the groom tossed the garter. The couple left amidst shouts and catcalls, and of course a general well wishing.

People left, some together, some alone. No one more alone then the Best man or the pretty bridesmaid he had danced with.

JAG Headquarters
3 days later
1525 Zulu (025 EST)

Harm sat at his desk buried under a pile of paperwork. At least that is the way he felt. He was handling the Admiral's job while he was away on his honeymoon <that thought was strange, the Admiral on his honeymoon and Harm not even seeing anyone (he had broke up with Jordan almost 2 years ago now and had not seriously dated anyone since)> He had to wonder at the strange happenings in his life.

“Excuse me, Harm, but could I get your opinion on something?” Mac interrupted his thoughts.

“Sure, Mac. What’s bothering you?”

She came in and sat in one of the chairs, “It’s just it feels strange, the Admiral and Carolyn on their honeymoon and me not even with a prospect in the works.”

“Mac, I thought you were serious.”

“I am.”

“Okay,” he hesitated only for a second while making his decision, “so maybe I’m not a prospect, but would you have dinner with me tonight?”

“Why, Harmon Rabb, are you asking me out on a date?”

“Not technically, but if you want to look at it that way, yes.”

“Harm, I think at least for tonight that you’re my knight in shining armor,” she quipped. “Or should I say dress whites and gold wings?” She flashed a smile then got up and walked out of his office.

Mac’s Apartment
0045 Zulu (1945 EST)

A knock sounded at the door. She could hardly believe that she was going out on a date with her partner <the man she was in love with since God only knows when> She opened the door on the tall, smiling man, “Won’t you come in while I get my bag?”

Harm’s mouth was not working correctly, after seeing Mac in the short black dress that she was wearing. “Sure,” was the only thing that he could get out.

She lead him into the living room, “I’ll only be a moment.”

In his mind that was too long. As soon as she left his sight, he couldn’t wait for her to return. She did, but it seemed like forever.

“Ready to go?” she asked smiling.

“Sure,” was all he said.

0100 Zulu (2000 EST)

Harm and Mac had just been seated and offered the wine list…

Suddenly there was a loud crash from the kitchen area. A group of men carrying semi-automatic weapons were hurrying members of the kitchen staff out into the dining area.

Mac whispered to Harm, “Why does this always happen?” He didn’t answer, he was to busy taking in their options.

Another group of gun wielders entered the main entrance, the leader apparently with this group.

“Are all the exits secure?”

“Secure, sir.” Someone answered.

“Good, now let's round all these people up and get an accurate head count.”

The men immediately went into action. “Oh, and see if there is anyone of importance among us!”

Harm <glad his dogtags were safely hidden under his shirt> started to relax slightly. “Mac, you don’t have your tags with you, do you?”

“No, you?”

“Yeah, I do, but they don’t seem to be checking that sort of thing…”

“Shut up!!” a gun was now pointed at Harm’s chest. “Who are you?”

“Just a guy out on a date!” Harm answered.

“O really, I doubt that,” he moved the gun and pulled his tags from under his shirt. “Well, let's just see who we have here.” Suddenly pulling on the tags, they gave way with a load snap. Harm could feel a small trickle of blood on the back of his neck where the chain had cut his skin; he gave no indication of pain.

“Lt. Cmdr. Harmon P. Rabb,” the man read, “JAG corps. Looks like we caught us a military lawyer and his whore.” He said loud enough for the leader to hear.

Mac bristled at being called a whore, though she would bide her time until she could pay the guy back. Harm, could barely contain his fury <this was the woman he loved> he could not let him get away with the insult, Mac’s hand on his arm stopped him from doing anything rash.

After an hour the terrorists had 123 hostages, 14 of them distinguished enough to be placed separate. Harm was one of them, Mac was considered insignificant because of her status. Another insult to her, one of which Harm was extremely thankful. He had heard them talking about releasing 50 of the 109 ‘insignificant’ hostages…

Restaurant (same day)
0215 Zulu (2115 EST)

Fifty hostages were released. Mac was not among them; she was kept as a tool to cooperation from her lawyer friend.

“What do you want with us?” some government official asked just before getting a gun butt to his face. He was small and now unconscious.

“Take that as a warning, don’t speak unless I give you permission,” the leader who was called ‘Jesus’ (obviously a code name) announced to the assembly.

The other members of the group also sported Biblical names. ‘Peter,’ the second in command, went to his leader, “Jesus, I think it is time for our purpose to be made known.”

“Yes, I believe you are right. Set up the camera here so that our group of distinguished is behind me.”

Another man set to work to comply with the orders. During all of this Harm made observations. They were a well organized group with a definite chain of command, almost military in bearing, it gave him the creeps.

“Ready, Sir.” The camera man said.

“Good! Everything set to feed into the airwaves?”

“Yes, sir”


The tech began moving switches and then a green light came on.  “Whenever you are ready, sir.”

“Good evening, Washington! My name is Jesus and these are my apostles.  We are here to redeem the world from the wrongs that she has made. These people behind me represent the government in some fashion. They will be the ones punished for its actions. There are others here as well, we have released 50 people to show our good intentions,” as this was said the camera panned the other hostages. “We will be in touch with our demands when we see fit.” The transmission was cut.

Robert’s apartment
0220 Zulu (2120 EST)

Bud sat on the couch with Harriet under his arm, she had just dozed off <having a 2 year old was hard work>.

~~Tom Paris and B’Elanna Torres were on the screen getting into one of those romantic scenes~~ when the screen turned to fuzz.

“What happened to my Star Trek?” Bud muttered.

The fuzz disappeared, “Good evening, Washington…” the man on the screen was saying.

“Harriet, wake up it’s the Commander behind this guy!”

“What?” she said sleepily.

“…these people behind me represent the government in some fashion.  They will be the ones to pay for its actions…”

“Hostages!” Harriet gasped, “Oh my, that’s the Major, they must not know she is military.”

Bud reached for the phone to call and make sure someone knew what was going on. Webb was the first person to pop into his head.

0226 ZULU (2126 EST)

Mac sat across the room and covertly watched Harm. Even under this kind of stress he just looked so good. Even though this was not an official date things were beginning to look up in her outlook on life. These terrorist were no threat to that even if they killed them-death cannot stop true love, it can only delay it a while [authors note: three cheers for the person who guesses correctly on the movie that line is from and tells me:)]  <<Man, some strange thoughts run through your head during a traumatic situation, now she was running lines from a movie she hadn’t seen in years through her head.>> Mac stop thinking about what can never be, UCMJ and all.  You have to come up with a way to get these people out of here, Harm can’t do anything right now and they aren’t watching the ‘non-distinguished’ hostages very closely, man, that distinction mad her so mad.

Harm was trying to figure a way out of this situation when he looked over and saw his beautiful partner. Even with her hair messed up and his jacket on, somehow she had gotten a hold of it, he didn’t know how but she had and that added such a possessive feeling from somewhere deep inside.  <<She just looked so right in that jacket it was almost like she was made to wear it tonight just after he had worn it, his after shave still evident on the material.>> he sighed silently no use thinking about what could not be he had just brought her here to help alleviate some of the loneliness she was feeling after the admiral and Carolyn left on there honeymoon.

Roberts Apartment
0245 ZULU (2145 EST)

There was a knock at the door. Harriet rushed to answer it, it was Webb. After explaining to him what they had seen.

“What do you mean Rabb and MacKenzie are in that restaurant? We knew about the hostage situation within minutes, but there was nothing about who was in there.”

“We have to get them out of there or the Admiral will not be happy when he gets back,” Bud just said without thinking it totally through.

“Don’t worry, we’ll get them out alive. I don’t have many friends in this world and I am not going to lose two of them in one night.”

Outside Restaurant
0316 ZULU (2216 EST)

Webb was very upset at the lack of optimism of bringing out very many hostages alive. They knew that those that the terrorists were not going to give up any of there distinguished hostages without a fight.

Same Time

Mac was watching the actions of the terrorist closely, she counted 13 men; the leader and 12 ‘disciples’ these guys were sticking with their biblical theme. It was weird because they all seemed to have this reverence for ‘Jesus’. There was a loud siren outside of the restaurant and the guard watching her section turned at the noise. Mac seized the opportunity to move to a better place to stage her next action. She made it into one of the conference rooms undetected. <<OK, Marine, what next?>> she thought to herself, she could find a way to contact those outside or she could find a way to rescue these people on the slight advantage she had gained for herself. She decided that backup was a must, she was a Marine, but even Marines aren’t invincible and 13 to 1 odds were slightly in their favor. <<Not by much mind you she could have handled 12 on her own, in fact she had before.>> Stop trying to talk yourself out of backup you can’t risk getting Harm killed by not doing what your training calls for. She went to where there was a phone on one of the tables against the wall, she carefully picked it up so as not to alarm anyone who might already be on this particular line. She raised it to her ear, no dial tone. <<Well, there goes the backup idea.>> She carefully put the phone down. She really did not have much time before someone noticed she was missing. She was kind of obvious, especially in the dress she was wearing, more then one of the ‘disciples’ had made a comment about it.

Harm watched her move out of the room, sending a silent prayer that she could do what needed to be done. She was a Marine after all, and as she kept telling him she could take care of herself.

“What are you smiling at?” Peter asked as he grabbed for Harm's shirt.

“Nothing, just remembering something that happened before,” came a quiet response that was much unlike Harm.

“Well just stop thinking!” He yelled as the gun he was carrying went straight into Harm's back.

Harm fell forward and faked semi-consciousness trying to get the watch slacked on him so that he might find a way to help Mac out.

Mac, watching out of the crack in the door, wanted to run to his side and comfort him, thinking he was seriously hurt. Seeing someone coming toward the room she hid behind the door. Two of the terrorist came into the room, ‘James’ and ‘John.’

“When is he going to make our demands known, this could get dangerous for us if it goes on much longer, the whole army will be down are backs.” said the one referred to as ‘John.’

Mac, taking her training into full front, attacked the two men from behind hitting ‘James’ first. He was out in no time flat with a fractured collarbone and more then likely a few ribs. ‘John’ spun around fast causing himself some dizziness before he heard: “Wrong, not the army, the Marines,” then he too was unconscious.

“Two down, eleven to go,” Mac whispered to herself.

20 minutes later

“Where are James and John?” When no one responded to the leaders query, “Go and find them, NOW!”

Three men scrambled to do their master's bidding.

By now Mac was no longer in the conference room where the men in question lay still and would not waken for some time (hopefully). She stood just out of sight and watched the men go off in a search for their missing buddies. She moved off in the direction that one of them went in hopes of getting him out of the picture as well.

It seemed that in no time at all she had reduced the number of the terrorists to a mere three, they were not a smart bunch without their leader's instructions, now him she would have to be more careful about.

There was only ‘Jesus’, ‘Peter’, and ‘Judas' left; ironic that one of the ‘disciples’ that was left was named for the man who betrayed the original Jesus. She returned to where the last terrorist whom she had securely tied up was laying and removed his weapon, she would just have to do this the old-fashioned way, with a good old-fashioned gun. After all she was a crack shot and was not afraid to use those skills to save the other 108 hostages still left in the main dinning room.

She had to think she could not risk getting anyone killed, least of all, Harm, who was still lying on the floor. <<God, please let him be all right.>>

It had been over an hour since his men had started to disappear and ‘Jesus’ was beginning to get nervous.

“Set up the video feed” he yelled at ‘Judas.’

“Sorry, boss, I have no idea how to do that”

Getting extremely angry at his choice of ‘disciples’ he began to start to formulate another plan. Killing off hostages until this unknown assailant showed himself, or maybe there were more then one, he was getting paranoid.

Sarah had a good shot at ‘Peter’s’ shoulder so without a single moment of hesitation she pulled the trigger. The man jerked slightly and then went down in a crumpled heap clutching his gun arm. The bullet had went clean through and shattered the bone on its way. Only two more to go and we are home free....

0500 ZULU (2400 EST)

Pacing back and forth ‘Jesus’ was very panicked. “Find that SOB that has somehow gotten into this building and kill him before he ruins this whole operation!” he yelled forcibly to ‘Judas.’ “I just may have to start killing some of these nice people who have joined us for our party if it does not happen soon.”

‘Judas’ just stood there; he was understandably frightened of going out in search of this commando on his own. All of the other men had gone out in-groups of at least two and they still did not come back. Then there was ‘Peter’ lying unconscious on the floor to prove that whoever was out there was a danger to his staying in one piece for much longer.

“What are you doing just standing there for I gave you an order?”

“No, sir, I will not go out there and get myself killed, we have already lost this battle.”

Without even a thought ‘Jesus’ pointed his gun at the man and pulled the trigger; killing him on the spot. He could not have men under him that questioned his orders. He turned to tell someone else to do his bidding; belatedly realizing that there was no one else. This adding to his state of frustration… he turned to his hostages, seeing the military lawyer still lying on the floor. He picked up a pitcher of water off of one of the tables and threw it over him.

Harm sputtered out of his position on the floor he had had no warning of the drenching.

“I want you to go and find this person who has incapacitated my men and if you do not return in 15 minutes with the deed done I will begin executing hostages beginning with your lady friend.” He turned to locate the woman in question, and noticed for the first time that she was no longer part of the group. “Where did she get off to?” he yelled at no one in particular. “Now you only have five minutes and then I will begin killing people every minute until you return with the body or bodies of those out there who are seeking to destroy the will of God."

<This man has truly lost his mind.> Harm thought to himself.

Harm got up and quickly left in the direction the shot had come from that had injured ‘Peter’.

“Mac” he whispered as loudly as possible.

“In here, Harm,” he heard come from one of the side rooms. As he entered the room he saw all of the missing ‘disciples’ all neatly tied up and Mac examining her options.

“’Jesus’ is the only one left and he is going to start killing in…” Harm checked his watch, “two minutes if I don’t bring back a body of the person destroying his plan”

“I have an idea” Mac said as she leaned over and started whispering in his ear the plan.

Meanwhile in the main dining room ‘Jesus’ was getting impatient and started selecting his first victims. When there was a commotion coming from the area Harm had left in. He saw the man dragging something in a white tablecloth that was covered in blood. It had to be a body. “Good work, now I can get down to business,” he said as he walked over to the ‘body.’

“I wouldn’t do that if I were you it is pretty messed up” Harm quietly advised.

“Don’t presume to tell me what to do,” he yelled at Harm shoving him out of the way. He lifted up the sheet and seeing the bloody face of a beautiful woman lying there he was almost disturbed, almost.

Mac sensing his slight loss of concentration removed the gun she was holding from out of sight and promptly shot him in his gun arm. His piercing scream was rewarding only until she saw his gun in his other hand now pointed squarely at Harm’s head.

“I don’t know who you are, but you have just made a serious mistake.” 

He moved to pull the trigger, when suddenly there was a very angry marine major holding him in a strangle hold and then he was on the floor.

“Harm, do me a favor and tie this bastard up.” Harm moved to comply still marveling in the speed in which she had untangled herself from the tablecloth and managed to subdue this mad man.

Mac’s Apartment
0700 ZULU (0200 EST)

Harm had driven Mac back to her place after the extensive debriefing with the police outside and the arrest of the terrorist from inside. Only one man was dead, the one ‘Jesus’ shot himself. Several of the other terrorist and one hostage (the man hit in the face) had been taken to the hospital.

“They can’t believe that you did that all on your own,” Harm said in amazement, “frankly I find it hard to believe, not that I don’t believe you just hard I mean there were 13 of them and only one of you.” He knew he was rambling and digging himself a hole, but he just could not seem to shut up.

“Well, I did do it by myself, I am a marine after all.” she yelled back not exactly sure why.

“I did help you out in the end, didn’t I?” he came back just as harsh.

“Not very successfully”

“I don’t know why I am standing here taking this beating, I am going home and sleeping for a long time. I don’t know when I will see you again, because I certainly am not going to work tomorrow,” he said as he stormed out of the apartment.

Mac just stared at the door he had slammed. <What had she done?> she thought before she slipped to the floor and broke down into tears.

Harm got into his car and just drove until, he could no longer see.  The tears in his eyes were blurring his already compromised vision. [Author's note: happens before Second Sight.]

Suddenly feeling very alone he punched the horn on his steering wheel, luckily, he was well out of the city by this time. He just sat there on the side of the road and let the tears come. Tears he would never let anyone see him cry, but out here in the confines of his prized ‘vette there was no one to see him.

Somewhere on the side of the Highway (Virginia)
0747 ZULU (0247 EST)

Harm could stand the silence no longer. He reached for the radio dial, not particularly caring what station was tuned in. It was one he had not heard of judging by the call sign <must be picking up some different signal than normal> he thought. Just his luck it was a country station, not being particularly found of country he reached to turn the dial, but a song had just started to play that even though it was unfamiliar to him it moved him none the less.

No wonder my heart is aching
On the verge of breaking down
The way we mistreat each other
What we’re becoming now
Have we forgotten what love is

Remember when love was patient
Everything good and kind
The feelings we felt together
Our souls entwined
Have we forgotten what love is

‘Cause love
Holds no record of wrongs
And love
Is both gentle and strong
It can’t be spoken or promised
It has to be shown
Have we forgotten what love is

I heard the voice of a distant angel
Reminding me and you
That love is not an expectation
Or something we failed to do
Have we forgotten what love is

‘Cause love
Holds no record of wrongs
And love
Is both gentle and strong
It can’t be spoken or promised
It has to be shown
Have we forgotten what love is

Love has got a way of healing
Using the hands of time
Can even restore the feelings
Buried deep inside
Have we forgotten what love is

‘Cause love
Holds no record of wrongs
And love
Is both gentle and strong
It can’t be spoken or promised
It has to be shown
Have we forgotten what love is

"That was Crystal Bernard and Billy Dean in a duet from her debut album." Harm heard the announcer say and was not quite sure why the song hit him so. He had never expressed his feeling for Mac. Maybe it was about time he did so? He reached over and turned of the radio and started back to DC.

As Harm was racing back to town, Mac was just beginning to pick herself off of the floor and compose herself. Harm had no way of knowing what her feelings were, how could he know? She kept that secret well hidden.

She went to the bathroom and washed her face. She started to get ready for bed knowing she probably would not sleep very well. She never did after she and Harm had had a fight. He never knew that he affected her that much. <And he never would> she thought to herself. <How could he ever know it would ruin their relationship and they would never be able to work together again. Not that that would be an easy thing after the fight that they had had tonight.> her thoughts went on in this vein for some time.

Mac’s Apartment
0830 ZULU (0330 EST)

Mac had just fallen into a restless sleep when there was pounding on the door. “Mac, open the door.” She heard in Harm's voice. She rolled out of her bed very upset at her partner.

She opened the door, “What?”

“I need to say something to you.” Came his quite reply.

“Couldn’t it wait until the morning?”

“No, it has gone unsaid for a long time.”

“Alright, get on with it so that I can go back to bed”

“Is that an invitation?” He said only half jokingly.

“What are you talking about?” Mac asked sleepily, her mind still was not completely awake.

“Mac, I have come to realize that some things are more important in life and this song played on the radio something about forgetting what love is, and it just made me think that I never told you some things and that it was about time. Life is too precious to let love slip through our fingers and I know this does not make sense but is it getting through at all. I know I am a lawyer and am supposed to be articulate but in some things I just can’t say it straight so I just say whatever comes and it usually does not make sense.”

“Harm, slow down. What are you getting at, flyboy?”

It had been forever since she had called him by that nickname, “I am trying to tell you that I love you, Ninja girl.”

“Oh” was all she could get out. And thinking of nothing better to do she threw her arms around his neck and started kissing him. Harm was so surprised at first that he did not respond. Within seconds his surprise wore off and he wrapped his arm around her waist and pulled her as close to him as their bodies would allow and kissed her right back.

After a while they reluctantly pulled apart. “I love you too, Harm” she whispered into his shirt front.

The song 'Have We Forgotten What Love Is' belongs to Billy Dean and Crystal Bernard and can be found on her debut album 'The Girl Next Door.'

Mac’s Apartment
0900 ZULU (0400 EST)

Harm and Mac had long since moved to the couch and now both of them were in a contented sleep wrapped in each other’s arms.

1034 ZULU (0534 EST)

Mac awoke to the distant sound of her alarm going off in the other room. Not that she needed it she just kept it for backup up after long stressful nights. She sighed and snuggled deeper into the curve of Harm’s arm.

“I suppose that it is time to get up?” She heard his mumbled statement coming from above her head.

“Yes, I suppose so. We need to be at work this morning.”

“No, we don’t, but we should at least call in and let someone know that we won’t be there”

“I don’t like missing work, besides neither one of us is hurt.” She belatedly thought about his being hit, “You are OK aren’t you, I saw one of them hit you?”

“I’m fine. I was staying down trying to relax their watch on me, it didn’t seem to work though. Just out of curiosity, I don’t want to start another fight, but why were you so mad at me for not helping you, they were guarding me closer?”

“I think it has something to do with the fact that they did not deem me worthy of being ‘distinguished.’ Although now I look at it as a blessing, because if they had we would most likely still be in that restaurant and not be in this much more pleasant situation.” She turned in his arms, awkward though it was in their current position on the couch, and gave him a kiss. “Now go take a shower flyboy you are beginning to stink.” He just started laughing.

“While I do that you can call the office with your excuses for the day. I want to spend the whole time in this wonderful feeling of being with you” he said with that flyboy grin of his.

She smiled as well as she got up and reached for the phone. Harm was halfway to the bathroom when, “Harm, you’re the acting JAG, we can’t call in.”

“Oh” was all that came out of his mouth.  After a while, “I guess I could always put… Bud in charge.”

“Bud?” she said almost busting up laughing.

“Oh, alright we can go to work today, but you are coming over to my place tonight for dinner. One that won’t be interrupted by crazed men with guns.”

She just picked up a couch pillow and through it at him.

“Now go home and get ready for work.” It was practically an order and you don’t ignore a marine when something is said that way. He grabbed his jacket and headed for the door. Then thought better of it and retraced his steps to the couch and pulled Mac up and gave her a kiss. Before she could register the fact that he was once again kissing her and react to the kiss he had broken contact and left the apartment without another word.

JAG Headquarters
1230 ZULU (0730 EST)

Mac walked into the office. She had never felt this confident striding into the bullpen before. Suddenly there was a loud round of applause.  <<Wow, good news sure travels fast she thought. Who did Harm tell about last night?>> she thought to herself.

“I guess this means you have heard about what happened last night? Let us get one thing straight it does not affect anything about Harm and I working together.”

“Of course not, Ma’am.” Came Bud’s reply, “Why would it? All you did was save all of those hostages in the restaurant.” He asked slightly confused at her statement.

“Oh that, I thought it was something else. Just forget what I said.”  She had an embarrassed look on her face, and walked into her office.

37 minutes later

Harm walked into the office. Bud came up to him, “Excuse me, Sir.  Can I ask you a question?”

“You just did. Bud”


“What’s on your mind, Lieutenant?”

“Sir, it’s the Major. When she came in she said something strange and then retreated to her office. It was all rather unlike her. We had given her applause for her actions yesterday evening and I think something else was on her mind because what she said made no sense at all.”

“What you just said made no sense at all, Lieutenant, but I will go see what is wrong with the Major anyway,” he turned and walked into Mac’s office and shut the door.

“Hey, beautiful.” He said quietly.

“Harm, you are 7 minutes, 48 seconds late for work.” She said playfully.

“I had other things on my mind this morning.”

“That’s no excuse”

“I know” the whole time Harm kept walking over to her desk and then gently pulled her out of her chair and kissed her. “I missed you”

“Me too, now that there air is clear and we know how we feel about each other I can’t bear to be apart even for a short amount of time”

“Sarah,…” she put her finger on his mouth to shut him up.

“What did you want, Harm. Besides to come in here and harass me?”

“I was not harassing you, you are a consenting adult. Bud said you were acting strange when you came in.”

“Oh that, I had other things on my mind when I came in this morning and then the applause started I didn’t quite know what it was for and then I figured you had told someone about where you had spent the night last night and…”

He quickly stopped the uncharacteristic rambling with a kiss.

Through a slightly open blind the people in the bullpen watched with satisfaction. Those two had finally realized their feelings for each other. Everyone else knew there was something there for who knows how long.

Bud turned and looked at Harriet “I told you so.” And she turned and looked at him with that smile that said, Bud it was me who told you, but I love you anyway look.

JAG Headquarters
2230 ZULU (1730 EST)

Harm poked his head inside of Mac’s door “Ready to call it a day? I think we can leave I mean after all we did have a trying night yesterday no one will think it strange.”

“Yeah just let me finish this sentence… there all done. OK lets go”

They left the office together like to often did, but this time the whole office was thinking ‘It’s about time.'

Harm’s Apartment
North of Union Station
2257 ZULU (1757 EST)

After making a quick stop by her place, to change, Mac arrived at Harm's door.

“Hey flyboy,” after he opened the door with a smile and then leaned on the frame. “I missed you, aren’t you going to invite me in?”

“Yeah, dinner is almost rea…” he was cut short by her mouth on his.

“Now that was a proper hello.” She said after she released him and sat down on the couch.

“Why don’t you put on some music”

“What do you want to listen to?”

“You know this probably sounds strange coming from me but country.”

He had one of those smiles on his face. She gave him a ‘whatever’ look and went to comply with his request.

“There I think that is a country station?”

Harm having recognized the call sign from last night gave her affirmation that it was. They ate dinner carrying on a conversation all about little inconsequential things. The music in the background a nice counterpoint to their voices. After a while “why did you want to listen to country music tonight?”

“Remember that song I told you about?”

“Not really, you were talking kind of fast and in a jumble.”

“Well it was a country song and I thought that since that song brought us together that it kind of fit.”

“In a weird sort of way that just made sense.”

They lapsed into companionable silence. Just listening to the music.

They moved to the couch and just sat there and enjoyed each other’s presence. 

When the beginning of a song began and Harm got up. “Dance with me?” he asked with his hand out.

“Of course flyboy” she said with a smile. They listened to the music as it came clearly out of the radio, almost as if the singer was singing just for them.

I’ve seen the storm clouds in your past
But rest assured ‘cause you are safe at home at last
I rescued you, you rescued me
And we’re right where we should be

When we’re together
I know the questions in your mind
But go ahead and ask me one more time
You’ll find the answer’s still the same
It won’t change from day to day
For worse or better

Will I promise to be your best friend
And am I here until the end
Can I be sure I have been waiting for you
And did I say my love is true
Baby I will, I am, I have, I do

I know the time will disappear
But this love we’re building on will always be here
No way that this is sinking sand
On this solid rock we’ll stand forever

Will I promise to be your best friend
And am I here until the end
Can I be sure I have been waiting for you
And did I say my love is true
Baby I will, I am, I have, I do

Baby I will, I am, I have
Oh, I will, I am, I have
Baby I will, I am, I have, I do

As the song slowly came to an end the couple just stood there together. Realizing that the words fit their situation exactly. It was the perfect song to dance to at the beginning of their relationship.

Harm looked down and saw tears shinning in Mac’s eyes. “Don’t cry, Marine, it will give the Corps a bad name.” He said jokingly and she gave a slight smile in response.

“I know this is kind of sudden. Well maybe not that sudden, just seems that way because we have finally admitted what should have been said a long time ago. Sarah, I can’t imagine my life with anyone else. I love you so much that it hurts sometimes. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?” He had a look of worry on his face.

Sarah just stopped in her tracks. <<Marry him? There was nothing she wanted more.>> It took her only a moment to catch her breath, “Yes, Harm, I will marry you.”

Harm just picked her up and kissed her, “you have made me the happiest man on the planet.”

“Harm, the same could be said about the way you have made me feel.”

They sat on the couch wrapped in each other’s arms for the longest time, occasionally exchanging a kiss or a murmured word.

“What are we going to tell the Admiral?”

“He is away right now. No one knows of our relationship yet. Hopefully by the time he gets back we will be able to tell him without to much of a fuss.”

“You do realize that we can no longer work together?”

“Yeah, maybe the Admiral can pull another Harriet maneuver?” [whoever started that it’s perfect:)]

“Maybe, but let’s not push our luck. Maybe I should try and get that job at the pentagon after all?”

“I don’t like the fact that I won’t see you everyday at work, but maybe that is a good idea. You should put in for a transfer as soon as the Admiral gets back from his honeymoon.”

“Yeah, I think that is the best thing.”

JAG Headquarters
2 weeks later
1300 ZULU (0800 EST)

“ADMIRAL ON DECK!” Bud called.

The whole room came to attention. “As you were. Rabb, MacKenzie, Mattoni, Roberts in my office”

“Aye, Sir.” They all replied almost in unison.

Once inside the office, “Have a seat. So tell me what has been going on in my absence.”

“Nothing much, just the usual sir.” Came Harm’s reply. One by one they all briefed him on their cases and brought him up to date.

“Sir, I need to speak with you,” Mac said after the others were dismissed.

“What’s on your mind, Major?”

She handed him the envelope with the request for her transfer. 

“Is this what you want, Major? Or are you feeling pressure from somewhere?” he asked after reading the cover letter.

“This is what I want, Sir. But I feel that I owe you an explanation.”

“Go ahead, Major”

“Sir, Commander Rabb and I have developed a romantic relationship in the past few weeks. Actually, Sir, he asked me to marry him and I said yes.”

“It’s about time” A.J. mumbled under his breath.

“Excuse me, Sir?”

“Nothing. Dismissed, Major”

“Aye, Sir.”


“Yes, Sir?”


The request for a transfer was granted. The two lovers no longer had to have their wishes in silence they could voice them to the world without thought of retribution or damage to their respective careers. Harm and Mac still had many adventures together, but that is a different story. :-)

The End

The song 'I Do' belongs to Paul Brandt and can be found on his album 'Calm Before The Storm.' Yes, I am a country girl. ;-)

Page design: © August, 2001. Rorie Brianne Web Designs J

Fic and other content (excluding pictures): © 1999-2001. Jessica Brynn
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