Instructions for how to make it snow and set season temperatures:
1. Back up your current .cfg file (region.cfg) in your Seattle regional folder.

2. Add the lines in red to the bottom of the region.cfg file in your Seattle regional folder.

;Here are the lines (below) that you can enter to adjust the Regional weather.
;The K is for degrees in Kelvin
;The F is for degrees in Fahrenheit
;The ??? indicates a probability of the type of scale.
reg_average_temperature 270
;This line sets the average daily temperature in the region (K).
reg_seasonal_temperature_variation 50
;This line describes how much the temperature will vary from season to season ; (F)
reg_daily_temperature_variation 263
;This determines how much the temperature will vary over the course of the day ; (K)
reg_daily_temperature_variation_summer 35
;This describes how much the temperature will vary during winter (F???). Yes it ;appears to be reversed.
reg_daily_temperature_variation_winter 25
;This describes how much the temperature will vary during summer (F???). Yes it ;appears to be reversed.
reg_random_temperature_variation 20
;This basically describes how much randomness there is in temperature (F???).
reg_frontal_temperature_variation 30
;This determines how much the temperature can vary across a front (F???).
snow_MaxParticles 50000
precip_MaxRadius 15
snow_TermVel -2.0
snow_size 0.4
snow_minOpacity 0.1
snow_maxOpacity 0.5
snow_minstreakdist 5
snow_minstreakspeed 5
sky_SnowOpticalDepthHW 500

3. Save your new region.cfg file.

Now run Flight Unlimited III
1. Click on the weather option.
2. Move the weather severity bar to the far right (severe).
3. Move the season indicator to the bottom-snowflake (winter).
4. Hit generate weather(check to see that the temp is -F)
5. Keep clicking on generate till you bring up clouds with precipitation.
     (avoid the clouds with lightning)
6. Click and drag the front till the clouds with precipitation are over the selected airport.
     (Clicking the right button will rotate the front if desired)
     (Know exactly where the airport is when placing the clouds with precipitation)
7. You can change the direction and the strength of the winds before and after the front.
     (Wind velocity affects the appearance of the falling snow and the direction)
8. Accept and go into the F5 view. Rotate the view and you should see snow!

9.   Go back into the weather and click generate to bring up another precipitation map.
10. You may have to repeat steps 6 to 8 a couple of times to get that front with clouds placed right.
11. Do you have snow that you like? Go back to the weather, edit the title and save under new file.
      You will now always have snow at that airport when you accept your new weather scenario.

Go to winter and snow screenshots

Notes on snow:
The addition of weather effects like snow and rain will lower the number of frames per second (fps) displayed on your monitor.
Complete cloud cover (entirely overcast) increases the probability of snow.
To alter the visibility, increase or decrease the value in the line
sky_SnowOpticalDepthHW 500.
A value of 50 (original default) gives poor visibility and a value of 2000 would produce excellent visibility)
Problems, comments or questions : email me at

[email protected]

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