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Never Fade Away

Behind the Mic

Toy Evolution

10-Second Review



Funny E-mail

8 Mile

Never Fade Away: A Review

Copy Editor

William Hart is an author whose first novel, “Never Fade Away,” was released in March, 2002. Hart uses a series of journal entries volleying between those of John Goddard, an unstable Vietnam veteran teaching an English as a Second Language (ESL) class at a California college, and those of Tina Le, a Vietnamese student with a painful past, to tell the story. The novel is set in the 1980’s and probes the relationships between the teacher and student, and the teacher and administrators.
I felt the novel started out slowly, loosing my interest almost immediately. The action was constantly interrupted by social sermonettes presented as the ramblings of Goddard. Though some of these were interesting and valid, the majority seemed out of place and seemed to do nothing for the forward movement of the action. The character interactions were limited, but incidents were presented from both characters point of view which was somewhat entertaining.
The story did seem to pick up momentum toward the end, but as soon as it become interesting it was over, leaving me with an ending that fit, but was not desirable.
Perhaps the best part of the novel was Hart’s portrayal of Le as a sympathetic character trying to make a life under difficult circumstances. Hart’s use of Le causes the reader to think about what it is like for foreign students who come to America.




Occupation: Student
Responsibilities: Commentary for LCA and WLCA.
When can Shaun be heard: Tuesdays from 6 to 9 pm.
Radio Pet Peeve: Shaun doesn’t like having a messy studio, or people being afraid on the radio.
Most Embarrassing Moment: “When I was five I fell in some dog poop in front of my house.”
Best part of being on the Radio: Having the opportunity to reach so many people.
Best part of LC: The instructors really help.
If you could be any Simpson’s character who would you be: Moe
Favorite Movie: The Godfather Trilogy and Gangster Movies
Favorite Music: Hip Hop
What Shaun does in his free time: Work, talk to my friends and spend time with my ball and chain.
Favorite Cartoon: Voltron and Transformers


The 10-Second CD Reviews

Rating System:

Buy it now!
Buy it on Sale
Burn your friend’s copy
Consider listening to it
Don’t waste your time

Faith Hill “Cry”

* * * *
Overall an average CD, but Faith’s voice makes it so much better to listen to.
When to buy it: If you like her current single “Cry”

July For Kings “Swim”

* * * *
These guys have talent. The CD starts off slow, but once it gets going you’ll enjoy the ride.
Sounds like: Matchbox 20

SugarCult “Start Static”
Ultimatum Records

* * * *
Good sing along album. If you want something you can just keep in your CD player this is it.

Rosie “Dirty Child”

* * *
Pink meets Fiona Apple.

Fozzy “Happenstance”
Megaforce Records

* * *
If you can get past lead singer Chris Jericho’s voice, it’s not a bad album.

Michelle Branch “Broken Bracelet”
* * * *
Before “The Spirit Room” there was “Broken Bracelet,” Branch’s Indy debut CD.
When to buy it: If you are an acoustic fan.

POD “Satellite”
* * * *
This is an awesome CD! The Special Edition CD includes three extra songs and a DVD. How can you beat that especially at regular CD pricing?

Paulina Rubio “Border Girl”

* * *
It’s a different mix of music. Paulina strives more in the high energy pop songs than the others.

H20 “All We Want”

* * *
Who to buy it for: H20 and hardcore punk fans with short attention spans. (It’s only got five tracks.)

Natalie Imbrulia “White Lillies Island”

* * *
Not as good as her first CD, but still worth picking up.

Stone Sour

* * * *
This CD is pure rock. Questionable lyrics but the music is something.
Think: guilty pleasure.

Duncan Sheik “Daylight”

* * * *
You’d probably here it: On The River 101.1… but I could see at least one song going Top 40.


CD just does nothing for me.
Saving Grace: “Something More”

Gabe Dixon Band “On a Rolling Ball”
* * * *
Think: Billy Joel with the lighter music and a piano.

Road Rules Compilation

* * * *
Who’s on it: Jimmy Eat World, The Get Up Kids and Dashboard Confessional (among others).

Something Corporate
“Living through a Window”
Drive-Thru Records

* * * *
One word: Potential.


The Evolution of Toys



I can remember growing up, I was always into the hottest toys. Whether it was action figures, games or sports toys, I was into it. Those were the days when you would get satisfaction simply by going down the toy aisle. Ninja Turtles, He-man and GI Joes ran my life.
Whatever was hot and new, I probably wanted it, and over the years my collection grew. Back then, the joy of playing with toys mattered the most.
Then over time I my purchasing reasons transformed into pure collecting purposes. It was always awesome playing with toys, but now that my money is involved, the whole experience took on a different meaning.
Along with my new reason for buying toys, came a change in the toys themselves. Action figures that bared hardly or no resemblance to the character now started actually looking like something. After all these years technology caught up with the plastic figures that used to look so fake.
Bad looks are now out the door, especially with something called “real scan technology.” Real scan is a system where the toy makers can scan the full bodies of people, head, face ect. and make a replica or close resemblance.
It may not sound like much, but when you see the effect for the first time it may catch your attention. Currently the scanning process is being used by the toy maker Jakks Pacific, and also by the toy lines for “Spiderman,” “Lord of the Rings” and “Star Wars.” When you go shopping for your little ones whether they be brother, sister, son or daughter, I suggest you check out the new look of today’s toys.


Attack of the Greenwheel(ed) Monster


Anthony Greff
Entertainment Editor

graphic courtesy of islandrecords.com

Greenwheel is basically five guys who really enjoy entertaining. Based out of St. Charles, Mo., these local boys have two singles on mainstream radio. One of which, “Shelter,” is on the Spiderman Soundtrack. Their CDs do no justice to their concerts. Bassist Brandon Armstrong shares his experiences with life and music.

Bridge: What was your environment like growing up?
Brandon Armstrong: It was ok. Typical St. Charles. It wasn’t bad. Overall it was good.
BR: What urged you to get into music?
BA: I got into music in sixth grade. It was just something that I did. Then there was something about it that I liked. I originally started playing saxophone, then moved on to bass.
BR: What is your inspiration musically?
BA: The inspiration comes from all different types of sources. This album’s inspiration was mostly from the band being out on their own. Other inspirations for our music are books, movies and life.
BR: What is the songwriting process for Greenwheel?
BA: We went down to Nashville and began writing. Everybody brought their own thing to the table, whether it be one verse or a whole song.
BR: Why go by the name Greenwheel?
BA: Originally we were “Soma Holiday” but copy write issues came up so we had to come up with something else. We just put a bunch of words together and were like, “That will work.” There is no deep meaning or anything to it.
BR: How would you describe Greenwheel’s music?
BA: It’s really hard to say, but I’ll go with rock music.
BR: What keeps you going on the road?
BA: The fans, the energy from the crowd and the other bands we’re on tour with.
BR: Anything to say to your fans?
BA: Keep supporting Greenwheel and we will keep giving you music that you like.
BR: Anything to say to potential fans?
BA: Buy our CD and check it out.



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Finch Flying High and Living Life

Anthony Greff
Entertainment Editor

graphic courtesy of finchmusic.com

Alternative fans know these guys from songs like “postscript” and “letters to you”. If you haven’t heard of them it’s time to sit back and learn something new about these punk rockers who just like to have fun. The Bridge got to talk to guitarist Randy Strohmeyer and here is what he had to say about Finch and life in general.

Bridge: What was your environment like growing up?
Randy Strohmeyer : I had two awesome parents and they took care of me very well. It was fun.
B: What urged you to get into music?
R: At family get-togethers my cousin would always have a guitar and from that I always had this desire to try it. That year I got a guitar for Christmas, and I’ve been playing ever since.
B: What is your inspiration for songs?
R: Everybody had screwed up stories in their lives and that’s what we use for our songs and our lyrics.
B: What is Finch’s songwriting writing process?
R: We write all the music together except the lyrics which are done by Nate [Barcalow]. Everyone puts in equally as much as the next person.
B: Why name your band “Finch?”
R: It doesn’t really mean anything, it’s just our name. We didn’t want to pigeon hold ourselves by a certain name.
B: How would you describe Finch’s music?
R: I don’t, I just let the music speak for itself. Then just let people come up with their own opinion.
B: How did your record deal with Drive-Thru Records come about?
R: I’ve listened to Drive-Thru Records for awhile, due to the bands they had on the label. I then e-mailed them one day thanking them for finding these awesome bands. After that we both kept in touch over time. When I got in my band, they came over to see us and fell in love with it.
B: What keeps you going on the road?
R: It’s amazing. It’s our dream. Why wouldn’t we want to follow our dreams?
B: Do you want to say anything to your fans?
R: Thank you so much for being supportive of our band and being there when we need you. Our fans are great!
B: Do you want to say anything to potential fans?
R: Bypass what you may have heard and listen to the music. If you like it, tell your friends. If you don’t like it, that’s fine too

A Review of “8 Mile”



I recently got the chance to see Eminem’s acting debut in the new movie “8 Mile.” Here is my analysis: The story is about Jimmy (Eminem) and the road to fulfilling his dream of becoming a rap star.
Overall, I thought Eminem acted well, considering this was his first movie. This is definitely geared toward an older audience, so keep kids at home for this one.
I give this movie a nine out of ten. Marshall should definitely keep up the good work (and stay blonde).


Random Funny E-mail

Dear Tech Support:
Last year I upgraded from Boyfriend 5.0 to Husband 1.0 and noticed a slow down in the overall performance, particularly in the flower and jewelry applications that had operated flawlessly under Boyfriend 5.0.
In addition, Husband 1.0 uninstalled many other valuable programs, such as Romance 9.5 and Personal Attention 6.5, but installed undesirable programs such as NFL 5.0 and NBA 3.0. And now Conversation 8.0 no longer runs and Housecleaning 2.6 simply crashes the system. I’ve tried running Nagging 5.3 to fix these problems, but to no avail. What can I do?


Dear Desperate:
First keep in mind, Boyfriend 5.0 is an entertainment package, while Husband 1.0 is an operating system. Try to enter the command: C:/I THOUGHT YOU LOVED ME and download Tears 6.2 to install Guilt 3.0. If all works as designed, Husband 1.0 should then automatically run the applications Jewelry 2.0 and Flowers 3.5.
But remember, overuse can cause Husband 1.0 to default to Grumpy Silence 2.5, Happy Hour 7.0, or Beer 6.1. Beer 6.1 is a very bad program that will create Snoring Loudly. WAV files. Whatever you do, DO NOT install Mother-in-law 1.0 or reinstall another Boyfriend program. These are not supported applications and will crash Husband 1.0.
In summary, Husband 1.0 is a great program, but it does have a limited memory and cannot learn new applications quickly. You might consider buying additional software to improve memory and performance. I personally recommend Hot Food 3.0 and Lingerie 7.7.

Good Luck,
Tech Support

Perfecting the Jedi Mind Trick

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Sent in by Kelsey Connett
(Stop in at The Bridge office to collect your prize!)

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