
Bad Day

Free Thinking

Less Talk

Free Thinkers are Dangerous

By Amy Porter
Photo by Stephanie Orr

Like any newspaper, student-run or otherwise, nothing gets published without the consent of its editor. (In the case of this publication, it is all that minus what my advisor and the school wish to censor.)
I thought you might like to know the point of view from which decisions about what you read in this publication are based.
For those who know me, you realize at this point that I am intelligent, opinionated and an all-round nice loudmouth. For those who do not, here is a taste of me. I want to make you mad, I want to make you think and I want you to base your convictions on VERY GOOD REASONS. I do not claim to be right, nor do I wish to rule the world, but I do think freely.
First topic: abortion. I could not be more pro-choice. Now do not get me wrong, I am not out-and-out pro-abortion, but there are times and circumstances in which I feel abortion is a legitimate option. Examples of such are cases of rape and incest.
I also realize that even if abortion is not legal, the act will still be carried out in alleys and with coat hangers. Making it illegal will not make it stop. I also understand the standpoint that according to the religion of a person or their personal conviction abortion could not be more wrong for them. I do not, however, feel this gives them the right to tell others what is right.
Second topic: sex education. Sex Ed in schools is a joke. At least, that was my experience, and I’ve gone to 15 schools in my short lifetime. The thought seems to be that “if we talk openly to kids about sex, these kids will want to have it.” This thought could not be more wrong.
Sex is everywhere in our society. Advertising on billboards and magazines, television, movies and even the radio. Then, when a kid is curious, they can easily get the impression that sex is a “dirty” thing because parents are embarrassed to discuss the topic.
How confusing is that? You see it all the time, but you can not talk about it? Granted, this is not the case in all households, but it happens far too often. The safest sex you can have is with yourself, so why not teach that? Children’s sexual curiosity begins at age four or five. How young is too young to start talking about “it”?
Third topic: gay rights. If two people are in love, let them get married, even if they are of the same sex.

Legally recognize this union and let the two live in peace. This goes along similar lines as my abortion argument. Just because being gay is not the chosen lifestyle of one person does not give that person the right to tell anyone else whom they can or can not be in love with.
Gay couples and individuals should be able to adopt. If a child comes from a loving home, regardless of whom their parents are, they will be more likely to succeed in life. Yes, there will be challenges presented to the first few, but we need to get past the particular hump in popular conservative thinking that condemns a person’s romantic feelings.
Fourth topic: Affirmative Action and Racism. Anyone who is racist should be shot (along with murderers, child molesters, rapists and any other number of useless human beings.) When Affirmative Action began, it was a wonderful thing. Finally, oppressed people began to have a fair chance in the workforce.
The year is nearly 2003. I do not live in a world where Martin Luther King has to march in the streets because some idiot white man decided it would be a good idea to try and say that one race was better than another. My mother has lost three jobs because her bosses had to fill quotas, and she just happened to be the wrong color. I say, put the best man or woman in the job, regardless or his or her color, and kick quotas to the curb.
And I would really like someone to sit me down and explain to me how there can be minority-exclusive organization in public schools. Maybe I am just jealous because I am denied the right to participate because of my particular ethnic background. If I wanted to start an all-white-red-haired “My Family Used to Live in Scotland” Club, we could all sit around and talk about what a bummer it is to have to wear sunscreen all the time.
But really, if every one is the same… why is every one not the same?
To close, I would like to say that I do not expect you to agree with me. Having different opinions out there is one of the things that make this world an interesting one.
This editorial was in no way an open attack on anyone, and I truly hope you, my dear readers, do not see it as such. What I do hope is that this will inspire you to stand strong in your own beliefs and not be afraid to speak your convictions. You are more than welcome to enlighten me as to your opinion, as I welcome all letters to the editor.













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I Had a Bad Day... Again

By Ryan Yepsen
Advertising Manager
Photo by Amy Porter

Have you ever had one of those days where nothing seems to go right? No matter what you do, no matter how hard you try, everything seems to go badly. Everything in the world has gone wrong, you’re sick, your friends are being jerks and all you want to do is go home and sleep. But, congratulations! You still have six more hours left at school.
Everyone has had one of those days. It’s become so much of a cliché now that everyone loves to talk about their bad days. It’s as if this were some system of bragging rights. Hell, even Limp Bizkit decided to write a song about bad days (which, in turn, has created a number of bad days based solely on having heard that song).
But I figure if Limp Bizkit, and everyone else can complain about a bad day, then I can too. The worst part about the bad day is never one or two events. It’s how every little thing seems to pile up. It’s the day you get two hours of sleep. You woke up feeling sick, waiting to throw up. Then you realize, “Wait, I haven’t done any of my homework.”
Those are the days that, right when you step into class everyone immediately finds it necessary to jump on your case, for no apparent reason. You are obviously, visibly sick and upset about homework. But these vultures decide to attack the weak. Why must it always be the weak?
So now: you’re sick. Everyone is being a complete ass to you. And don’t forget; no homework. So, of course, today of all days, your teacher decides to collect homework. And you sit there, in a confused and angered awe. This teacher hardly ever collects homework, and yet for some reason it has been decided that your day was meant to be a living hell. So why not? Why not lower that grade another letter? You didn’t really need to pass…did you? No, just retake it. I’m sure mom and dad won’t mind. After all, it’s practically the only class you’re failing.
But finally, you’ve made it out of class…Jerks are gone. No more teacher. You’ve started to forget about the homework. So you go to work on an assignment in the library. Someone walks in, so you look up. Guess who it is? THAT MORON! The one that seems to go out of her way to annoy you. Sure she means well, but frankly you know that your life would be much better without having to pretend you actually like her! So now, you’re pissed AND you have to play nice. But not today, you’re too mad. And so it gets worse, she tries to play sympathy. Make her day sound worse than yours, while you sit there, wanting to scream “SHUT UP!”
Today, I have learned one thing. When it rains, it pours. Thereby, you should safe guard yourself from all of these occurring. Step 1: Don’t get sick. Step 2: Do your homework. Step 3: If you don’t do the homework, just skip class. And Step 4: If you don’t like someone avoid them. Following these simple steps should produce for a much easier ride through your crappy day. But they will always be there, because no matter how hard you try…life just has to suck sometimes.


A Little Less Talk, If You Please

By Stephanie Hoke
Assistant Editor
Photo By Amy Porter

It seems that lately there has been a great rise in religion, or maybe it is just a rise in people’s willingness to talk about it. In the past month, I have been subject to others’ beliefs in what they hold to be sacred and true.
I am not a person to throw around my beliefs of a higher power. My beliefs are for myself and what I believe to be sacred. I have gone to many churches in my life to help me form a greater respect and understanding for various religions
However, it seems that people feel the need to enlighten me. I receive numerous e-mails telling me of the joys of being saved and the benefits of believing in (their) God. I also receive messages of the Powers That Be, in person.
Personal beliefs are a necessity for any person, no matter what they concern, and without them we would all be hollow shells.
I have noticed, that when I talk to people about a problem I am having or something I enjoy, I am almost immediately presented with a warning of evil.
I have mentioned that I enjoy reading J.K. Roling’s Harry Potter books. As soon as the words leave my lips, I am pelted with disapproving voices telling me of the evils the books possess and how I may be brainwashed. I in no way find this to be true.
Someone can tell me until he or she is blue in the face, that the Harry Potter books are bad for children. But I have yet to hear of mass injury due to kids mounting brooms for flight, or that children walked out of Sunday School because of the spells they heard in the books. These books are wonderful pieces of art, and they deserve to be deemed as the books that inspired children to read again.
The younger generation is equipped with amazing imaginations that they feed regularly. This example of modern day youth entertainment clearly establishes the desire for good to overcome evil. The thought of witches and wizards are no more traumatic to youth than talking vegetables.
My understanding was, that Americans are where we are now due to an escape of religious persecution, so we could all have the freedom to have our own ideas of the sacred. Then why is it that I have people pushing their beliefs on me? It is not fair for me to be put in the situation of having people tell me that problems I am having are because evil is trying to get a hold of me, the weakness of my soul is what is allowing me to be tempted and influenced.
Maybe I am just stressed because of all the responsibilities I have, or perhaps I need to work on things more diligently. I do not need people telling me that the only way things will get better for me is if I am saved by (their) God.
I have been subject to these notions my entire life, from various groups. It is not right for someone to tell someone else that his or her beliefs, or lack there of, are wrong. Nor is it fair for a person to shove their unwelcomed beliefs on another person.
I can not turn on the television, open my e-mail or even start a conversation without having the feeling that I am going to be subject to someone soliciting their “superior” idea of the sacred and devine. I do not expect you to buy my beliefs, just as I do not expect to buy yours. Everyone possesses their own personal beliefs and many will agree, solicitors can be a bother, regardless the merchandise.
I do not need any, but thank you anyway.


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