
I Fall Over




Staff Picks

Sometimes, I Fall Over

By Amy Porter

I recently had the honor of listening to a Nobel Peace Prize winner, Holocaust survivor and humanitarian. Elie Weisel is one of the most amazing individuals I’ve ever had the opportunity to be in the same room with.
His experience in Auschwitz is beyond words. To say it was tragic and horrible does not begin to do it justice. He survived the worst things one person can do to another.
During his speech at McKendree College, an audience member asked, “What can we, as students and individuals do, to better the world?” He said something to the effect of: don’t tune out. Ban together when there’s a cause worth fighting for.
In the world I live in, with a constant barrage of media telling me everything from what I “should” wear to how I “should” think, it’s hard to care. It’s hard to care about people I’ve never met and places I’ve never been. Sometimes it’s hard to care about people in my own community. I know that sounds bad, but it’s honest.
Weisel inspired me to care again about a world against which I am jaded. To see someone who’s lived through worse things than I can ever imagine, and instead of living a life of hatred of the world, embraces the good, is beyond inspiring.
Sometimes I fall over. I have a momentary lapse in my new found inspiration and I revert to my familiar jaded self. I strongly believe these momentary lapses will lessen with time and maturity and the entire experience will make me a better person.
I strongly recommend becoming familiar with Weisel, be it through his books or lectures, and if you feel passionately about something, do something about it.

A Psychic Encounter

By Vanessa Hafner,
Sports Editor

 I saw signs up for the free psychics on campus, and I decided to check it out. I braved the half hour wait in line to have my fortune told.
Being a first timer, I wasn’t quite sure what to expect from a psychic. While waiting in line, I overheard students talking about their psychic “experiences.” There was talk of everything from “dead mothers watching over me,” all the way to, “I’m pregnant.”
A bit uneasy, but ready to be amused, I took a seat in front Miss Faye. I wanted to have an open mind, but at the same time I was ready to start uncontrollably giggling if she told me I was pregnant. My “reading” didn’t hurt, it was actually quite interesting.
With no questions asked, she tells me she in-visions a white car and that I will be taking a trip to Florida soon, all because she sees palm trees and lots of fun in the sun. Interestingly enough, I own a white convertible, and I have Hawaiian seat covers. Humorous? Yes, and a wee bit creepy.
Miss Faye continued to inform me that God will open doors for me and that I will have a wonderful Thanksgiving full of family. Unless they decided to fly, I’m not sure how much of my family is actually going to be involved in my holiday plans.
While I don’t expect to be taking a trip to Florida soon, expect to have a fabulous Thanksgiving.
How’s that for seeing the future? I guess you believe what you want.

Your Wish is My Command

By Stephanie Hoke
Assistant Editor

I have recently been elected your Student Government Vice President. I now have the responsibility of helping express your views concerning anything dealing with the school. I need lots of help from the entire student body to make the most of my positions here. I am going to try to take advantage of what limited amount of power I hold here. I want to pick brains and find out what exactly you want me to do for you.
I believe that we should all make the most of the time that we spend here. It is inevitable that if you go to school here, you are going to spend some amount of time on campus. The main reason that I got involved in government in the first place, was because I was tired of having problems and no way to express them.
If you are already here, you might as well speak up if you do not like something. Without students, there would be no school or it’s employees. I feel that if there were more activities and functions that actually appeal to the student body, then an actual community might be formed among us. It is about time we instill a sense of group and pride back into our school. Whether you are the traditional student or not, you have the power of speech that I would love for you to share with me.


Amy’s Fortune Cookie:
How often do you find yourself walking down the hall behind some idiot, sauntering obnoxiously, oblivious to everyone who’s held up behind him?

How often are you that idiot?

There’s your fortune, now send me a cookie.

Staff Picks:
Our Favorite Pets

Amy Porter

Max (the dog) and Rose (the cat)
Stephanie Hoke

Chris Unthank

Chris Ayala

Ryan Yepsen

Cat 2
Vanessa Hafner

Stephanie Orr

Clockwise from top left:
Boba, Ann, Reeny, and Dan
Ryk Lewis

Cee Cee


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