
Letter to the Editor

I Don't Get It

Stephanie Hoke
Assistant Editor

What is going on? I do not understand how I can be working four jobs and have no money. What really gets me, however, is that I know people that have no job or work very little, and they always have money. I am really missing something. I need to find out where I can sign up for that program.

I do not know where my money goes, or if I ever really had any. I work, get paid and still have no money. I do not know why, because the only things I have to pay are for car insurance, car repairs, food and clothing, I still live at home, so I do not need money for shelter, utilities or most of my food. I do not consider myself to be an excessive spender. But I am still broke!

Yet, I know people who live at home, have no job and have everything they want. I do not know how they do it. Especially since they have their own money and do not get it from their parents. Most of the time, they are just in the right place at the right time or something, because everything works out for them. How lucky for them.

And what is with the people that can afford to go to school full time, have nice cars and live on their own with just working a part time job. Most of their jobs do not even pay a lot. Despite the pay and no other person to help support them, they still maintain a nice lifestyle. I would love to know that secret.

It never fails, that there are still the people who receive everything that they have ever yearned for. Most of the time, they are the ones you hear complaining all the time about wanting things and having no money. They are also without jobs or they have jobs that are almost optional, you know for some extra spending money. What a life it must be. Who cares that you are not really learning responsibilities?

I know that there are people who work very hard for everything that they and their families have, and they have been in positions a lot worse than my own, it is these people that are admirable. No argument there.

I am not complaining, because I know I do not have it that bad. I just think that it would be nice to not have to do as much as I do, and receive so little from it. I  just don’t get it.



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"I Have Very Impressionable Skin"
"So don't let it watch dirty movies"

Amy Porter

My term as Editor of “The Bridge” is going to be over before I know it.
I wonder, lately, what my life is going to be like with out having to go to the office on a daily basis, for hours on end.
When I look back, I will remember the good old days of the shoe-box office, pizza parties and smoking on the roof. If the staff had a problem, we’d scream at each other until the aggression passed and we could deal with the issue rationally. (Much to the chagrin of teachers who were holding classes in the vicinity.)
It was tough to escape the terrible reputation that “The Bridge” had, but with hard work, dedication and a vision, we turned this paper into something worth reading.
We also created some really fun covers, my favorite being the cross between Chris Unthank’s top half and Lori Logan’s bottom, publicizing tattoos.
Then, we moved to Fobes 1505, repainted and got on our way. We don’t yell at each other nearly as much anymore, but some of my all time personal favorite quotes have been spoken in these walls.
“I was going to bite your boob, but I decided against it.” (Female to female.)
“For your sake, I hope that was the wrong end.” (Female to male.)
“My lip got stuck because my teeth were dry.” (Female to male.)
And my all time favorite, and most frightening, “Amy! They’re kissin’!” (Female to female about two other females.)
I know that was obscure, and you really had to be there, be there it is.
Great relationships have been forged and broken in this office, and I must say that I’ve made friends in the last two years that will last a long time.
I also have to take a second to give props to my assistant editor, Stephanie Hoke. She makes me crazy, makes me sane and keeps the editorial pages interesting. She has said that the two of us are like the same person, in different packages.
I will never be able to express how wonderful it was that she was able to take over for me when I got sick earlier this year. She’s stuck with this paper through absolutely everything, and for that she deserves much credit.
While there are still people who have never heard of “The Bridge,” they are few and far between. Walking down the hall and seeing a multitude of people reading this paper, makes me smile real big.
I’ve received comments from students and faculty about the impact editorials and stories printed herein have effected their class discussions. This makes me proud to have been able to be a part of this project.
I’m not quite done here as the semester is yet to be over, but I hope that some of the foundation I have built in my time here will live on and be built upon in the future.



Letter to the

Dear Editor,
Due to various legal and physical problems that are adversely affecting my schedule, I have been forced to drop two of my classes. This has caused me to be ineligible for the position of Student Government President under the current guidelines set forth in our constitution. The LCCC Student Government has many good things going for it, and I believe it can have a great impact on the campus. It is with great regret that I step down. I hope that my schedule allows me to continue serving the group as an Independent Representative.

Scott W. Gabriel

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