Here I am at five years old.  I don't do a whole lot.  This is the excitment for the day. 
Name: Nutmeg
Breed: Brittany
Favorite Things: Sleeping and Chasing animals, getting into the trash
My Parents: Ch. Millette's Magic Reflection and Millette's Tri-Ump
Tricks I know: Sit, Down, Stay, Shake, Treat on nose, and spin
My Friends: Chips (my brother), Rusty (a sheperd mix, who joined the group at the Rainbow Bridge this year), and Merlin (an American Eskimo)
     So, I know that Chips has got some exciting stories to tell.  He could go on for days and months about his stories.  He is always getting into trouble with Mom and getting sent to his room.  I'm the good dog.  Except when I get into food.  I'm a hunter, thats what I do.  I just hunt food, not birds.  Well there was this one time that I found a great bird.  I think it was called a turkey?  Every year Mom has people come over and they eat it.  One year, she had lots of people over to eat this bird.  A whole party!  I was having a great time running around and getting petted by everyone there.  Mom showed off our tricks and everyone thought that we were the cutest things.  I was visiting with one man, when I smelled this AMAZING scent. 
       Now being a brittany, I have quite a nose. I left the man I was mingling with to see what the smell was.  I snuck over to the kitchen, knowing that if Mom saw me she would kick me out, and there it was.  A huge stemaing hot bird.  I was going crazy with that smell.  I had to have it.  I have seen this routine every night at dinner time.  Something comes out of that hot box, and is left on the counter to cool.  Once it is cool, it goes to the table, which is where I come in.  I have a hard time getting onto the counter, but the dinning room table is a piece of cake.  So I left the kitchen and hid behind the door.  A few minutes later Mom carried that piece of heaven out onto the table.  I ran to find Chips.  I told him to jump around and do some cute tricks, while I caught the bird.  I promised a piece to him.  He ran off and grabbed his pig. Chips is so smart sometimes.  He ran around with his pig in his mouth, making it squeak to attract attention.  Everyone watched him dance around. 
       I went in for the kill.  Trying to be very quiet I jumped up on the table and took my first bite.  I can not describe how great it tasted.  I took more bites and more.  I just could not stop.  I tried to move to get to the other side and I knocked over a glass of wine.  OOPS!!!  I was caught.  Mom turned around and the look on her face told me I was dead!.  Not only had I eaten part of the turkey, but I had spilled red wine all over her fancy tablecloth.  I jumped off the table and ran to my room.  She didn't even have to say anything.  I knew where I had to go.  Thinking about it now, it was not worth it.  Since I had gorged, I felt sick.  I vomited a few time that night.  I ended up swallowing a bone and that did NOT feel good coming out.  Chips was mad that he didn't get his share and Mom was mad that I ruined her dinner.  I was literally in the doghouse for a while after that. 
       Then there was the time that Mom got a big box of chocolates .  It came through the mail, so it was in a big shipping box.  I could still smell it though.  I tore that shipping box apart and pulled out the box of candies.  It was covered in plastic, but that was not problem.  Mom found the empty box and I had to go to the vet.  They gave me charcoal and made me vomit.  That was bad too.  You would think that I would learn not to get into food, because it makes me vomit and I get in trouble, but it tastes so good. . .
This is me with my buddy Cedar on my back.  Sadly, he passed on a few years ago.
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