GAMMU Graphical User Interface
page created 23 April 2003

With GammuGUI (or just GAMMU) now you can:
Upload/download logos  to/from your mobile phone,
backup your settings, SMS, ringtones, notebook entries,
send SMS using your PC,
enable NetMonitor and secret menus,
and so on...


PLEASE NOTE: to avoid downloading 500KB or 1MB each time you want to download a new version, please install wxBasic on your system, and just download and run the GammuGui source. I USED WxBasic version available at "bleeding edge" section of wxBasic web site (
To make the source self-executable, just associate files with .WX extension to WXBASIC executable.

Free Message Board/Forum Provided by
Gammu GUI forum

GammuGui source (written in wxBasic) V 0.3.34 (Approximately 30KB, depending on version)

Now you should be able to manage operator/startup logo both from Windows & Linux, without having Linux crashing :)

It looks like I reached the end of my spare time :-( So, I won't be more able to upgrade GammuGUI on a regular base. I don't even have time to compile & upload last version! :-((( This means that probably 0.3.34 will be the last version available for quite a long time.

I'm sorry for this, but however anybody can continue GammuGUI development starting from where I stopped.

GammuGUI Win32 binary  0.3.30 (Approximately 900 KB, depending on version)

GammuGUI Linux binary 0.3.30 (Approximately 1500 KB, depending on version)

Please note: source is just "work in progress", it contains a lot of "garbage", i.e. commented code that will never be executed: I am just uploading what I have on my hard disk, day by day...  <:-)


You can see which version you are downloading looking at the file name when you pass your mouse pointer over the links (so I do not have to update this page each time I upload a new version of GammuGUI... :)  )

PLEASE NOTE: to avoid downloading 500KB or 1MB each time you want to download a new version, please install wxBasic on your system, and just download and run the GammuGui source. I USED WxBasic version available at address

Useful links

Gammu home page   Gammu (GNU All Mobile Management Utilities) is a free (=no charge required), opensource (=anybody  can contribute to its development) program which allows connecting a PC to a mobile phone (several brands supported: Nokia, Alcatel, Siemens,....), to manage its features. With GAMMU you can update phone logo/ringtones, backup all SMS and settings, enable secret menu and much more. Please visit its site for further informations.

wxBasic home page (opensource language used to write GammuGUI). With wxBasic writing Windows (and Linux) applications becomes easy! Forgot all low-level languages which compell you to study tons of books and other stuff to learn windows programming: with wxBasic, if you want to write "Hello world!" in a Windows' window, just type

Print "Hello world!"

Taht's all!
Do you want to create a new window for your application? Just type

frame = new wxFrame( 0, -1, "New window", wxPoint(50, 50), wxSize(250, 140))  :  frame.Show(True)

and it's ready! And, once you finished writing your source, you can run it both on Windows  and Linux, without changing anything! Please visit wxBasic site for further informations.

wxBasic forum

wxWindows home page (opensource libraries wxBasic is based on). This is what made wxBasic possible. But this site is not for faint-hearted programmers... ;-)

What's new in v. 0.3.30

This is the 30th version on my hard disk, the 3rd version available for download: now you can do (almost) all you can do with gammu: backup all phone data, change/convert logo, change/convert ringtones, enable netmonitor, resset phone, enable hiddem menus, get security code and so on...
Yet to be implemented:

What's new in v. 0.2.26:
*Added full support of backup: you can now backup TODO, CALENDAR, PHONEBOOK, MEMORY, SMS, PHONE SETTINGS, WAP SETTINGS, RINGTONES

What's new in 0.2.23:
I simply added both Win and Lin executables to available downloads, divided sources into WX and WXB type and fixed a few little bugs (thanks to users for their feedback).

What's new in 0.1.20 version:

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