The most important link:
Get a demo version here.... then buy the game...
Other links - The best Think Tanks website, no doubt!  Strategy, pics, rules, hacking info, this site has it all!  -z- is quite the talented webman, and his capture the flag mod is top-notch.  This is the TT place to be!

Battlemode League - Organized league for Team Battlemode, meets Tuesdays at 9PM eastern.

PsychoScrum League - Organized league for 3-on-3 Team Scrum, meets Mondays and Thursday nights.

Asterix's Page - Asterix, who puts the "Think" in Think Tanks.

Tank Dork's page - Great tips & cool screenshots!

#1 Tankster's skins page - Tanky is the best skin painter around, get his skins on your tanks today!  NFL skins, NASCAR skins, MATRIX skins... you name it, he can do it.

Nathan's page - TIps and screenshots.  Also hosted by Geocitites, so it occasionally flakes out.

FoulPlay Studios - A smorgasbord of skins, info, maps, etc. from the most dedicated TT mapper!  Also home of the Think Tanks Battlemode League!

Psycho Scrum league - Azazel's krazee scrum league!

Tally Ho's Skins - More skins from this veteran of TT.

Team Medulla Website - Team Battlemode League team stats, individual player info, etc. for this defunct team (1st Team Battlemode League Champions!).

more coming soon.....?
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