TOC social functions

Annual Club Dinner and Awards
Summer Barbeque and Social
Christmas Handicap Race and Party

As a member of the OTFA, the Club enters competing members in OTFA & Athletics Canada sanctioned championship events each year.

The club has had a long and successful relationship with the Royal Canadian Legion, a sponsor of TOC since its inception. As part of our commitment to the Legion's Track & Field program, we put on two track meets each year . Our young athletes are encouraged to enter these meets.

TOC puts on many races each year, both on the track and on the roads. It is part of our ongoing commitment to running.

Upcoming Events
TOC Annual Awards/Dance: April XX
Contact: Bob Ferguson 416-233-1557

Rat Race: April XX
Contact: Paul Poce 905-855-9374

Summer Legion Meet: June XX
Contact: Paul Poce 905-855-9374

Night Crawler 5 miler: June-July XX
Contact Bruce

Trigg Summer BBQ: August XX
Contact: Paul Poce 905-855-9374


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