With much gratitude to Hashem, the true Matir Asurim, L’Maan B’nos Israel International would like to extend our very best wishes to our members whom have recently received their get.
Mazal Tov to our members whom have became Kallot. A very special Mazal Tov and thank you to our members who recently got married and davened for Agunot under their chupah. May they all have the z’chus to built a Bayis Neeman B’yisrael.
May Hashem hear all of the tefillos of all Agunot and their children. May Klal Yisrael witness the yeshua for all of those in need, Bimhera Biyamenu.
We urge the Jewish community to participate in the tremendous mitzvah of Hatzalos Nefashos and Pidyon Shivuyim by sending a tax deductible donation to:

L’Maan B’nos Yisrael International
P.M.B. #128
1375 Coney Island Avenue
Brooklyn NY 11230

For further information please call Mattie Klein at 718-338-0833

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