By: Marilyn Mattie Klein, M.A., M.S.W.

L'maan B'nos Yisrael International is dedicated to coordinating individuals and existing organizations to help agunot and their children. It was founded on Tisha B'Av 1998 to raise the consciousness of the Jewish community and inspire Jews worldwide to join efforts in eradicating the terrible agunah crisis that is wreaking havoc on our Jewish homes and will affect the future of our people for generations to come.

L'maan B'nos Yisrael International, in a gesture of obj ,cvt, offers the following programs as free sources to agunot and their families in hopes of extinguishing the obj ,tba, the fire of hatred that has caused the churban that exists in so many of our Jewish homes today.

  • Distributors of the Tefilah L'agunah written by Rabbi Mordechai Tendler
  • Organizers of Agunah Get Day
  • REACH Program
  • Support Group for Agunot
  • Support Group for Former Agunot
  • Information and Referral Service
  • Agunah Help Centers
  • Volunteer Tutoring Program
  • Hachnosos Orchim Program
  • Special Yom Tov Programs
  • Shoes, School and Shul Program
  • Worldwide Tefilah and Tehilim Day for Agunot - Erev Rosh Hashanah
  • Worldwide Mother and Daughter Tefilah and Tehilim Day on the Yahrzeit of Rachel Imeinu
  • Rosh Chodesh Sivan Agunah Tefilah and Tehilim Gathering
  • Sensitivity Training and Lectures
  • Tehilim for Agunot Partners
  • Distributors of the Tefilah L'agunah

    Authored by Rabbi Mordechai Tendler. Rabbinically supported, the Tefilah L'agunah is being said voluntarily by kalot under the chupah, women after they light Shabbat and Yom Tov candles, prior to reciting Tehilim and in Shuls all over the world

    Organizers of Agunah Get Days.

    Internationally acclaimed project. Specific days are designated as Agunah Get Days. Jews all over the world are challenged to encourage recalcitrant husbands to give their agunah wives a get.
    Batei Din are ready and prepared in locations worldwide to facilitate the get process. L'maan B'nos Yisrael International covers the cost of the Sofer in an attempt to participate in this great mitzvah.
    L'maan B'nos Yisrael International thanks the following organizations for supporting our efforts in this projects: Amit, Beth Din of America, Beth Din of Elizabeth, N.J., Congregation Machzike Hadas Rabbinical Ottawa, Emunah of America, The Jewish Press, Just One Life, Kayama, Midtown Board of Kashrus, National Council of Young Israel, Operation Refuah, Orthodox Caucus, Orthodox Union, Poale Agudas, Rabbinical Alliance of America, Rabbinical Council of America, Rabbinical Council of California, Rabbinical Court of the State of Israel, Sephardic Rabbinical Council of America, Vaad Harabonim of Bergen County, Vaad Hair Beth Din of Montreal, and Vaad Harabonim of Greater Monsey.

    REAH Program.

    Sadly, many agunot feel isolated and alone and need a friend who cares about them. Taking Rabbi Akiva's words, vru,c kusd kkf vzw lunf lgrk ,cvtuw to a practical level, the Reah Program encourages individuals to befriend an agunah. Volunteers are introduced to an agunah in need of emotional support, befriend her and her children and act as an advocate for her as much as possible.

    Support Group for Agunot

    Led by Marilyn Mattie Klein, M.A., M.S.W. Regular meetings are held for agunot to show support for agunot during their trying time and to share information to help one another. Tehilim and the Tefilah L'agunah are recited at the beginning of the meetings. v"c many meetings have concluded with a l'chaim for a member or members who have received their get.

    Support Group for Former Agunot

    Led by Marilyn Mattie Klein, M.A., M.S.W. As a result of the positive results of Agunah Get Day and community response to help agunot, may women have recently received their get. A support group for former agunot was formed to deal with the problems and issues unique to these women.

    Information and Refuah Service.

    Linkage to existing organizations worldwide who have offered to join the effort to help agunot.

    Agunah Help Centers.

    Shuls sensitive to the agunah problem sign up to offer help to agunot in their neighborhoods. Agunot in need of assistance are sent to these agunah-friendly Shuls

    Volunteer Tutoring Program.

    Many children of agunot suffer terrible emotional and financial strain. As a result, their school work suffers. Their agunah mothers find it difficult to make ends meet and often do not have the time or energy to help their children with their school work. Volunteers under the supervision of a Board of Education reading pecialist, tutor the children of agunot in their homes. Mothers must be present during the tutoring sessions

    Hachnosos Orchim.

    Many agunot and their children find Shabbosim and Yomim Tovim a particularly lonely and unhappy time away from a Shabbos and Yom Tov family atmosphere. Volunteers offer to invite agunot and their children for a Shabbos and Yom Tov meal or for a Yom Tov stay. This program is particularly important for the Succos and Pesach holidays.

    Special Yom Tov Programs.

    Each holiday has its own special needs of agunot: for example, Erev Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur, many agunot do not have money to buy seats for davening and are forced to stand during the entire davening. We therefore try to arrange for shuls to donate seats for agunot. Succos - Lulavim and esrogim have a special meaning for Succos but are cost-prohibitive for many agunot who would like their children to have the opportunity to make a brocha on a lulav and esrog. We attempt to arrange for agunot in need of lulavim and esrogim to receive them.
    Chanukah. Agunot often cannot afford the extras that we so often take for granted to make Chanukah a special time for children. At L'maan B'nos Yisrael International we make every effort to see to it that agunot have something to give their children to make it a Happy Chanukah for all.
    Pesach. Agunot and their children are placed to join volunteers for the Seder, and linkage to organizations help with providing the necessities for Yom Tov.

    Shoes, School and Shul Program.

    August is a very difficult time for agunot. Many women worry about the money they will need to get their children ready for school. Often, schools refuse to take their children as their fathers have not paid the children's tuition. Mothers often cry that their children's "feet cannot be squeezed into their old shoes any more." The Shoes, School and Shul Program deals with these issues by attempting to advocate for these children to remain in school and provide shoes for children in need.
    An introduction to an agunah-friendly Shul is attempted to make the agunah and her children feel wanted in the neighborhood.

    Worldwide Tefilah and Tehilim Day for Agunot.

    Erev Rosh Hashana, Jews all over the world were urged to join in beseeching Hashem for mercy for agunot, their children and the neshomot who are prevented from being born as a direct result of the tragic agunah crisis. This day was organized with the strong support of respected Rabbis in Israel, England, Canada and the United States and major rabbinic and synagogue organizations.

    Worldwide Mother and Daughter Tefilah and Tehilim Day

    Takes place on the yahrzeit of Rachel Imeinu. Tefilah L'agunah, written by Rabbi Mordechai Tendler, and recitation of Tehilim was held at Kever Rachel. Over 125 names of agunot and former agunot were read at the Kever in hopes that in the z'chus of Rachel Imenu, the tears and prayers of agunot and their children would be answered.

    Rosh Chodesh Sivan Agunah Tehilim and Tefilah Gathering

    On behalf of agunot and their children. Tehilim was led by agunot and former agunot.

    Sensitivity Training and Lectures

    Given by Marilyn Mattie Klein, M.A., M.S.W., to raise consciousness of the community and to enlist more individuals to help eradicate the agunah problem.

    Tehilim for Agunot Partners Program.

    Agunah women have given us their Hebrew names, requesting that individuals daven for them. Anyone interested in taking a Hebrew name of an agunah for this purpose will give great chizuk to these women.

    For further information for those in need of L'maan B'nos Yisrael International services and for those who wish to volunteer to keep those services ongoing, please call L'maan B'nos Yisrael International at (718) 338-0833.
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