My weight loss journey...

Before and After
45 pounds gone forever!

I remember the first time I was conscious of how much I weighed. I was 12 years old. It was in the summer and I was spending my days at Rink-in-the-Park in Kitchener. I was skating 5 or more hours a day, plus off ice conditioning everyday. I remember we did a 10 km cross country run every other day. I hated that run because I felt that I was not in good enough shape to keep up. (Perspective is a funny thing - I think I'd be pretty happy to be able to run 10 km now.) As part of this rigorous training camp, we were weighed each week. All the girls I skated with were "typical" pairs skaters. At 12, they were 4 ft 5 at best, no shape, tiny little waifs. I, on the other hand was already pretty much full grown, 5'3", hips, butt, chest, skater legs and all. I remember distinctly watching these little things get on and off the scale - 70 lbs, 85 lbs, 75 lbs, 95 lbs...then my turn...125 lbs. I cried. And so began the battle. In hindsight, I was starting a trend that would eventually see me top out at 256 lbs just prior to the birth of my second child. It was up and down - at 16, I was 165, but by 18, I was 135. After being married at 19, I lead quite a sedentary life, full of convenience food and junk food binges - a habit that Tony and I shared unfortunately. I joined Weight Watchers® for the first time in 1992 - my 2nd year of university and 1st of marriage. I was relatively successful - lost 25lbs, but I never reached my goal. I would join 3 more times before, finally, in March 2001 I joined for the very last time! I reached my WW goal on December 5th, and obtained lifetime status on January 16th. These days I weigh in around 148 and although I'd like to work my way down to 140, I'm pretty happy just the way it is.

Some before pictures...(more "after" pictures coming soon!)

Christmas 1993
No wonder my dad didn't want me to have more kids!

Beacon - Summer 1998

December 2000
(this picture was the last straw!)

August 1995
(with Tyler - born 08/31/95 -11 lbs 2 oz)

March 2001

October 16, 2000






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