Loving-Kindness Meditation - Golden Light

A guided meditation by Ven. Ayya Khema

Please put the attention on the breath for just a moment to quieten the mind and become settled.

We imagine that we have a beautiful white lotus flower growing in our heart, nourished by the purity of love and compassion. It opens all its petals until it's fully open. Out of the center of this beautiful flower comes a golden stream of light which fills us from head to toe with warmth, beauty, contentment and surrounds us with the feeling of love, of well-being, a feeling of being protected.

We let the golden stream of light from the center of our hearts reach out to the person nearest us in this room and fill him or her with the warmth and joy that come from our hearts. We surround him or her with love, providing a sense of well-being and security.

We let the golden stream of light from the center of our hearts reach out to everyone here, and fill everyone with the warmth and joy from our hearts. We surround everyone with love, so that each person feels a sense of well-being, of protection.

Now we think of our parents, whether they're still alive or not, and we let the golden stream of light from the center of our hearts reach out to their hearts, filling them with the warmth and joy and gratitude, embracing them with love.

We think of those people who are nearest and dearest to us. We let the golden stream of light from the center of our hearts reach out to them. We fill them from head to toe with the warmth and joy and contentment and surround them with love without expecting the same in return.

We direct our attention to all our good friends. The golden stream of light from the center of our hearts reaches out to them, bringing them our friendship, warmth, care and love.

Now we think of all the people who are part of our daily life, such as neighbors, colleagues at work, people on our street, in the shops or offices, whom we meet on our travels. We make them part of our hearts, part of our lives. We let the golden stream of light from the center of our hearts reach out to all these people and fill them with our warmth, care and concern and surround them with our love.

We will think of any person in our life whom we either dislike or are quite indifferent to. Then we let the golden stream of light from the center of our hearts reach out to that person, filling him or her with our love and concern so that no blockage remains in our own heart.

Now we let the golden stream of light from the center of our hearts reach out to people near and far, taking our love, concern, and care, the warmth from our hearts to as many people as possible. First we touch those that are physically near us, then we go further and further to the cities and towns and villages all over the country, across the oceans, to other lands and other peoples. We send out a golden stream of light full of love, circling the globe, touching people's hearts as far as the strength of our love will permit.

We pay attention on ourselves now and let the golden stream of light from the center of our hearts fill us from head to toe with warmth and light and joy, surround us with love and contentment, experiencing well-being and happiness.

Now we let the golden stream of light go back inside the lotus flower, which closes its petals. Then we anchor this beautiful flower in our hearts, so that it may become one with it.

May all beings be happy and peaceful.

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