The entrance to Berzsenyi Dániel Evangélikus Gimnázium

The front of the school. The school is located on Széchenyi square which is located in the middle of the city.

 Another view of the front of the school from the park

The post office is right next door and many coffee shops surround the school.

 Another view of the school.

I walk to school everyday from the Kollegium.  It usually takes me about 5 to 10 minutes, but if the wind is blowing, it's a good 20 minutes, if I get there at all!!  :)

The T.V. Tower. (Don't ask because I don't get T.V.!)

The forest where Audrey (another English teacher) and her husband and I take hikes on Saturdays.

Yes, I was pushed...

I think it -20C° that day.  
We drank forraltbor afterward. 
 (That's hungarian for boiled wine)

I thought merry-go-rounds were only at amusement parks.

Does Audrey actually think she's going to catch me?

Obviously NOT!


Our last little snow fight...

Afterwards we made snow angels and warmed up in the pub. :)

   What a fun day!



Me and my buddy, Audrey

Adam is telling me that it "my buddy and me"  Hey, wait a minute~ I'm supposed to be teaching the english here!

Andrew and me smiling for the camera

We just met Andrew and Sebastian (you'll see him in a second) at the restaurant.  Andrew spoke perfect english, so we all had a nice conversation.


Need I say more?

I think we're in some kind of old communist watch tower!  

Actually it reminded me of men ice fishing in Minnesota.  Except this shack
 wasn't decked out.  It had flies (legyek) and a window.

Look at Ishte...  He's a hoot.

You wouldn't know it by our FAKE smiles, but we are actually wet from the waist down and freezing our butts off!

Kristian and I were on the side of the mountain and I slipped nearly sliding down the mountain!

Isn't there something wrong when your "friends" would rather take a picture of your tragedy than help you?

I'm NOT seeing a road in sight...

We've been lost for HOURS!

Audrey and I are not very happy.

Audrey said,"Thanks okay, I'll just wait for the rescue squad."  I'm with her!

No!  Don't leave me...

The snow was ridiculously high; I couldn't believe it.  No one is going to find us...

Kristian is being a gentleman and holding me up

I just want to go home!

I'll just sleep here


Or here...


Ahhhh!  The road!

Now we're happy. Very tired, but very happy.  And what's with Kristian's hat?  Can he see?

This is Zsolt(ie).  He's hysterical!

I received a beautiful tea set and special teas.  What a thoughtful gift!

HI Everybody!


Kati opening her gift


Kati very surprised and elated!

That's Aniko to Kati's right. She's our Department Head.  Very funny...

Our cake....


Watch out Aniko, Michael Jackson thought he was at a safe distance, too!


Isn't she sweet?


Of course Audrey and me


I think I am laughing at Zsoltie


The three amigos:  Lisa, Ria, and Audrey



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