"Relativity for Shetland Sheepdogs"
copyright Coldstream Consulting

These three shots represent a sample record from the main "Dog" file. They show the dog's name, sire, dam, breeder/owners, etc. The registry information may include AKC, CKC, OFA (hip, thyroid, vWD, elbow) or other registries. Titles, degrees and honorary titles (e.g. CC, ROM, VC, VCX) and miscellaneous notes (imported, ASSA winners) appear on the second page. The third page leaves room for any other notes. Up to approximately 20 typewritten pages worth of text could be stored should their owners wish to comment on their dog. As of April 2004 information has been entered for 176,000 Shelties.

Additional information can be viewed for this dog through "softkeys". One softkey displays photo and article references. Due to copyright restrictions I cannot include photos of the dogs, but this does show you where to look to find them. I hope to locate photos of all the American Chs who have finished and to date have found 88% of them. More than 65,000 photo references are currently on file.

Another softkey produces 1 through 10 generation pedigrees. This sample shows a 4 generation pedigree. The numbers in parentheses are number of American Chs produced. Variations available on the pedigree include male line and female family information. A "percentage of blood" report is also available and I'll eventually include inbreeding coefficients (when I get over being blond!)

Another softkey displays one to all generations of descendents. A single generation listing would represent the dog's children. Variations of this report list direct male or direct female descendents only.
The descendents are listed American Chs first and then non-Am Chs. in alphabetical order. Individuals are counted only once in the generation closest to the target dog, even though they may appear multiple times in the listing due to linebreeding or inbreeding.

Yet another report lists full brothers and sisters of the dog.
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