The UFO Museum and Research Center


    We crossed the state line into New Mexico sometime in the afternoon. Our first destination, Roswell, has finally been reached. The word around town is that a UFO crashed in the desert near here, way back in the 1940's. Pretty wild, huh? One of the things that surprised me about Roswell is how big it is. It has it's own mall, it's own Wal-Mart, and many, many different restaurants. It's not the small desert town that I thought it would be. During our stay we visited the UFO Museum. How can one resist?

    They used to give tours of the actual crash site, but they don't anymore. You see, the crash site is on private land and the owner must have gotten tired of all the fuss. Did that stop us? Of course not. We went exploring (some may call this trespassing) on this ranchers land. Supposedly, there are two stone monoliths on either side of the road leading to the crash site. We looked for these, but alas, we did not find them. I suspect that if they were there, the owner of the land had them removed. The only thing we did see was a modern day cowboy herding cattle. Instead of a horse, he used a dirt bike. He took little interest in us, which was good because we weren't supposed to be there.
Trespassing on the crash site

Roswell:  The Musical

    No, I did not go to see "Roswell: The Musical." The poster was just too funny, I had to take a photo. We left Roswell around 11am the following day, heading towards Arizona. As we neared the border of the two states, the scenery started to change. Arizona is a beautiful state. I recommend that everyone go out there and see for themselves, you won't be disappointed.

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