Ari at the Bris
Look how happy he was
Ari sleeping after Zachary's Bris (our Godson, Rica and Scott's baby). Didn't he look like a sleeping babe himself?
Just look at that blond hair!
December, 1998. Ari at our Hannuakh party opening the Tallis (prayer shawl) that my parents gave him. He is now buried with it (the first time he got to wear it).
Ari at his brother Eric's Bar Mitzvah. Ari was around 9 years old here.
Patrick, one of our four cats. Patrick was Ari's special kitty, and Ari was Patrick's special person. Patrick followed Ari everywhere around the house. After Ari passed away, Patrick got depressed. He joined his special daddy 6 weeks later. I miss both my guys.
What a pose!
Patrick with his sister, Sweetpea. Sweetpea was my first cat.
Skye, another one of our babies. I had her only 6 months when Ari became her daddy.
Our little Teddy-Monster!
Sweetpea loves to snuggle anywhere she's not supposed to be! Her newest favorite spot is in the bathroom sink!
Our littlest kitty, Teddy Bear. Appropriately named since he loves to cuddle like a teddy bear. Ari and I got Teddy together when Ari first moved to NJ. We adopted Teddy when we adopted Bruno (Ari's kiten who was only with us one week). Teddy is growing up beautifully, his daddy would love to see him now.
Statue of Atlas holding up the world. This picture was taken by Ari on our trip to New York City, summer 1998. Ari was like a little boy that day as we walked aroun The City. He took pictures of everything that he liked.
Another picture by Ari taken on our trip into NYC. He loved to look at beautiful things. He had an excellent eye.
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