Thanks for stopping by my little addition to the world wide web. Obviously your a fellow Lucas Black fan, and I can only hope that this site has some-what fulfilled your Lucas requirement for the day :) So anyway this is where I say my thank yous: Thank you to Lucas Black for providing me with a a reason to make a site. What better subject to build a site on than someone who is an extremely talented actor, that many people look up to, and only hope to see more of in the furture. I truly believe that if he continues on in the acting profession, only good will come to him, but if he chooses a different path, then so be it,. Whatever you do, do it well, and Lucas Black surely does.  Ok Secondly I would like to thank LBPA, for not only allowing me to use their pictures, information, and basicaly being my  "source of power" for this site, but also providing me with advice, and helpful criticisms. My site would be a very bland page with out the kindness and generosity of this fellow Lucas admirerer. And finally, a special thanks to anyone I may have complained to, or witnessed my "rage against the machine" as my computer ( which i do believe is posessed by the devil) malfunctioned many times, and many ways, during the process of building this site. You know who you are. That pretty much wraps up everything I wanted to say. So once again thanks for stoping by, and I hope you liked what you saw. Check back often for updates!
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