Rag Doll of Chat Hell
I�m not your toy to play with
Do not treat me this way
I have feelings too
This is not about you
You cannot always get your way
What about what I want
When is it about me?
You ask only what you need
To get a picture in your mind
I am just a game to you
A name with a made-up face
In your mind I can be anything
It�s too far from the truth
I don�t want to do think again
You can�t make me be like you
I�m free to make my choice
Yet here I am again
At the doorway to your world
I tried to run away
I hate they way you make me feel
So why do I return to you?
You come of so sweet
The honey tongue of evil
Its hell in heaven�s disguise
Turning into the devil
You drag me down
My voice is lost somewhere
In my mind I know I hate this
Yet here I go again to become your pet
Do as I�m told and try to please you
Made to believe I need this world
A rag doll in a world of china faces
But even this rag doll has a limit
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