August 30, 2004 2:39PM
S Fall 2004 #2

Cannot Have

Unattainable desire
My heart has come to this
The truth must be known
No more secrets from you
I take joy in the hidden
But the light has come
No longer in darkness can I live
The time is nigh I must prepare
I revel in the splendor of the unknown
Live for the things I cannot have
I hide the truth in hopes to ride
This dream to an end with you
Ever knowing the realness in my heart
When the words escape my lips
The time for action has come
Pop my bubble and send me back
Show me the reality I dread to live in
Prove to me my heart�s worst fear
There is nothing worse then the end
Except never having a beginning
I�ve given the chance in my heart
But the time for certainty is at hand
It is that there is no way my mind is right
That keeps this thought there tonight
Why confess to be repressed?
Because no longer do I so wield
The power to contain my thoughts and shield
The world is privy to my knowledge
Come forth now and be gone from here
Share your mind in all honesty
My want is that you know the truth
All I need is one true friend
Oh where do I find the words of truth?
They come so easily in the mind
Yet the mouth hath no wroth to let me speak
My tongue is at bay when I wish to send your way
The truth that I so have held deep
I want the thing that most I cannot have
My dear friend of truth my want and of having
This is simple and clear to the mind�s eye
The thing I want is you.
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