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Q: How did the scientist solve the problem of constipation?
A: He worked it out with a pencil.

Q: What's the difference between a truck-load of babies and a truck-load of ball-bearings?
A: You can't unload a truck-load of ball-bearings with a pitch-fork.

Q: Whats the most popular pick up line in a gay bar?
A: "May I push in your stool?"

Q: What goes: plop! plop! fizz!
A: 2 babies in an acid bath.

Q: What do they call a leper in a hot tub?
A: Stu

Q: What's the difference between an oral and a rectal thermometer?
A: The taste

Q: What did one gay coroner say to the other gay coroner?
A: "Whaddya say we run out back and suck down a cold one..."

Q: What's brown and sitting on the piano bench?
A: Beethoven's last movement

Q: What did the leper say to the prostitute?
A: Keep the tip.

Q: Why does Helen Keller have yellow legs?
A: Because her dog is blind too.

Q: Why do farts smell?
A: So deaf people can enjoy them too.

Q: What is grosser than gross?
A: Having a dream about chocolate pudding and then waking up with a spoon in your butt

Q: What do you call an eleven foot long urine stain?
A: Line dancing at the retirement center

Q: What do you call a vegetarian with the runs?
A: Salad Shooter

Q: What's grosser than gross?
A: When a midget walks by and says your hair smells nice.

Q: How do you make a cat go "woof"?
A: Douse it in gas, strike a match, and then WHOOF!

Q: What does a lonely gay guy do when he is horny?
A: He shits in his hand then jerks off.

Q: How do you embarrass an archeologist?
A: Give him a used tampon and ask him which period it came from.

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