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Evil Kinevil 

This game is fun to play.
Supplies: one large glass, several small glasses, people, beer, an empty 12-pack box, sunglasses, and a quarter.

First, fill the large glass and all of the small glasses with beer. Then, put the large glass at one end of the table and place the small glasses in a line in front of the large glass.

Choose someone to go first. He will be Evil Kinevil. He must wear the 12-pack box on his head like a helmet and the sunglasses will be his safety goggles. (good photo opportunity)

Now Evil is ready to roll. With his "audience" cheering him on, he must try to bounce the quarter past all of the small glasses, and make it into the large glass at the other end of the table. He must keep trying until he makes it into a glass.

If Evil makes it into the large glass, he gets to pass out both the large glass, and all of the small glasses for his audience to drink.

If Evil falls short of the large glass, and makes it into a small one instead, he must drink from that glass down to the first glass. (Example: if Evil lands in the 4th glass, he must drink the first 4 small glasses.)

Once Evil has made it into a glass, and either had to drink himself, or make others drink, his reign as daredevil is over. Select a new person to be Evil Kinevil, and let the fun start all over again. 

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