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Circle of Death 

This game will get you Fucked up Fast!
Supplies: people, beer, and a deck of cards. 

Have a deck of cards spread out in a circle shape. One persons chooses a card. Then the person next to them chooses a card. If the cards are of the same suit or same number, the two people have to take the value of their card (J=11, Q=12, K=13, A=14) and drink for that many seconds. Have someone count. If they aren't the same then the first person puts their card in a discard pile and the next person draws a card.

If it matches the second person's suit then they drink, etc...

The fun begins when you get three of the same suit or number in a row because a chain is established and all three have to drink. The same if it is four of  the same suit...etc. 

Also, if someone was counting really slow and its his/her turn to drink, you can bet that someone will want some payback and count slow for them...

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