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The following are guidelines for the Illinois Junior Academy of Science judging procedure. Judges who are not agents of the Illinois Junior Academy of Science may use other criteria for selection of their special awards. The decision of the judges is final.


Knowledge Gained

The student exhibits a thorough understanding of the topic as demonstrated through presentation and/or correct responses to questions. The student has acquired scientific skills.

Scientific Approach

The experimenter has defined the problem and uses a logical, orderly method for solving the problem. The problem was solved using scientific principles.

Experimental Approach

The experiment was designed to provide a reasonable assurance that the research objectives have been met.

Variables – An effort has been made to identify all significant variables affecting the experimental results.

Controlled Variables – Those significant variables not manipulated as part of the experiment design have been controlled.

Control - The method is appropriate and effective. A control or comparison group was in evidence.


The data collected is numerical and metric, if applicable. Repeated trials provide for adequate data. The data is reliable.


The conclusion is consistent with the data and/or observations. The conclusion is based on the data collected. The effect of experimental error was estimated and considered when drawing the conclusion.


The project demonstrates a novel approach and/or idea. It is highly creative.



The abstract contains a concise summary of the purpose, procedure, and conclusion in 200 words or less.

Safety Sheet

The safety sheet identifies all of the major safety hazards.

Endorsement Sheet (if necessary)

The endorsement sheet describes the use of humans or non-human vertebrates in the project and ensures the safe use of such organisms.

Title Page and Table of Contents

The title page is clear and concise. The table of contents is complete and includes pagination.

Purpose and Hypothesis

The problem has been defined and a prediction has been made.

Review of Literature

The Review of Literature is thorough and adequately cited. The research is pertinent to the topic being investigated.


All materials are listed and measurements are in metric, if applicable.


The procedure is complete and easy to follow; all steps have been included. Measurements are in metric, if applicable.


The results are organized in tables and/or graphs and can be easily read by someone not familiar with the work. Data is quantitative and explanations are given when needed.


The conclusion reflects a concise evaluation and interpretation of the data and/or results. The conclusion referred to the purpose and hypothesis. The effect of experimental error was estimated and considered when drawing the conclusion.

Reference List

The quality and quantity of sources is adequate for the topic. The sources listed are cited within the Review of Literature using APA format, Fourth Edition or later. Both the hanging paragraph and 5-space indent style of citing are acceptable.


Presentation Quality

The presentation is clear and concisely summarizes the project. The information presented is relevant and pertinent.


The presenter speaks fluently with good eye contact; is polite, dynamic, and interested in their project.



The backboard gives a complete explanation of the project. It includes graphics, charts, and/or pictures. A copy of the Abstract, Safety Sheet, and Endorsement Sheet (if applicable) are displayed on the front of the backboard.

Artistic Qualities

The backboard is neat, organized, and appealing.


When rating the project and paper, consider the following:

Gold - The following criteria may identify an outstanding project.

a.. A scientific approach to a specific problem is supported with relevant experimentation.

1. Approach indicates creativity.

2. Conclusions logically deduced from experimental data.

3. Clear concise research paper containing Abstract in required form, Safety Sheet, and Endorsement Sheet, when appropriate.

b. Students can speak knowledgeably on contents of paper and area of investigation.

c. Good quality and quantity of background information is reflected in the Review of the Literature and Reference List.

Silver and Bronze - A lesser degree of the above, e.g., insufficient Reference List, lack of thoroughness in experimental technique or observation, or lack of knowledge of subject area.

Participation - A serious omission or mistake is present - e.g., no proof of experimentation or no scientific approach is evident. Any model or demonstration should be rated a third. The judging chair will supply specific tips and pointers for a given category.

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