Just in case you were wondering what cyberculture is, it is a class that I am taking that explains the following themes:

- Changes in communication technology change our experience in the world.
    - Change in power relations- who has access?
    - How community changes
    - Changes in the self
- The way we evaluate communication
    - The best is face-to-face communication
    - Truth
- Postmodernism
- Is technology utopian or dystopian?
- Does technology dominate or liberate?
- Technology puts us in a global village, or is it fragmented large      

This class is really interesting and if you need to pick up another class and you go to LSU- it is CMST 3900 Dr. Laura Sells

This website started out as the class project for the semester, but me being the nerd that I am, kinda went overboard and forgot to put the class concepts up, so here they are.

Cyberculture class concepts
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