My Dad was born in Danville, IL
and my Mom was from Townly, Alabama.
This is the house I grew up in on Lincoln Street... It sits across from the prison where my Dad worked as a correctional officer.
My Family...
Byron, Dad, Mom and me, and Jerry.
1952               My brothers Byron and Jerry               1990
Coit Family Heritage
Great Great Grandparents
Great Grandpa Coit
Grandma and Grandpa Coit
Grandpa Coit was the Constable in Danville, IL
Dad and his sister
Dad and "Friend"
Deason Family Heritage
Growing up in Alabama
Grandpa, Grandma Deason
Brother and Sisters (mom's left, 1st row)
Deason Family
(mom's far  right)
High School Days Dean Family Home Town
Our Faith
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