Club Started
The Little Big Creek Riders 4-H Club was formed in 1995 by James and Kathy Rinehart.  James wanted to separate off from the club his daughter was in and form a new club.  James' son Daniel also shared an interest in
4-H, so James went to the Cass County 4-H Extension Center and signed the papers to state that that he would lead a 4-H club called the Little Big Creek Riders 4-H Club of Cass County, Missouri..
     The club began to take root in 1995 and by 1996 had approximately 11 members.  In 1998, Crystal Rinehart became the first member to leave the club due to the 4-H member age restriction policy.  Crystal stayed with the club as a project leader for the horse unit and veterinary science unit.
     In 2000, the club suffered a heavy loss in the number of members.  James and Kathy elected to not quit the club, but to allow a brief reconstruction.  Daniel accepted the chair of club president for that year, as he could head the reconstruction.  By the end of 2001, the club was beginning to show signs of life once again.  Daniel filled a new position with the editor of the club's small newsletter, the LBCR Rider.  There were only four editions released on paper.  Daniel  also created an official club website.  Rebecca Ferguson, another active club member created a sight as well.  The official site was not determined until the "priemere" of the geocities website homepage.  The club's official online webpage was listed as www.geocities.com/lbcr4h.  The newsletter also had a website created (www.geocities.com/lbcrrider).  In September of 2002, plans were announced by James and Kathy to change club positions.  The secretary would be in charge of the websites and the newsletter.  The caller system was also founded.
In 2003 a new club was formed in Cass County and the LBCR 4-H club was reduced to three members.  The club started the year off to a rocky start, but proved to be successful as the year progressed.  The club's first official LBCR "Support the Cause" Garage Sale was held in July.
The club begins 2004 with new goals for the photography project.  The members will continue their Bake Sale under the direction of Kim Sandford, Photography Project Leader.  The club will also be hosting a photo contest in January and will begin to become a more active influence in the community.
First person "graduates"
from the club
Club loses many members
is discussed
and elected
to start in 2002
The club is officially
The club holds it's first garge sale in July. 2003
The club cancels the LBCR Rider
The club will celebrate its ten year anniversary 2005
The club will celebrate its
15 year anniversary
Did you know...
No member of the Little Big Creek Riders 4-H Club has ever been to the American Royal Horseshow?
The clubs lowest number of members for a consecutive period of two months was two?
The club has only hosted two horse shows?
The club has never had a leader change to date in the position of Horse Unit Leader or overall club leader...the photography project has had three?
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