Lulu's Life as told by her
Once upon a time in a far far far far far far away place
There once was born a wondereest child.......named LULU (well really Licinia).
Born in Spain but knowing that people in the USA needed her, came over at just year and a half.
As the family located in Bridgeport, CT, Lulu started growing (obviously).
In the 5th grade, Lulu fell madly in "love" with a 7th grader. It was at a band concert and she watched him tap his foot up and down and then it came to her.

"You will be a band director" the voice said. so off to band she joined. Deciding on the french horn, the first horn was named Effie. O what a horn. When cleaning it out, came out a mouse. But no fear, this is Lulu we are speaking of.
So Lulu learned to play the horn and boy did it not sound good
but she worked hard and practiced alot.

       In 7th grade, Lulu was getting tired of getting picked on so she started taking Tae Kwon Do. Her self-estemm and confidence grew. As she was reaching for her goal of a black belt,
God reminded her of something.

      Something was discovered in her right ring finger. It was an abnormal growth of the sweat glands. After many doctor's visits and discussion, the finger was removed. Now you would think that this would be very upsetting to LULU at such a tender age of 15 but nope.
It brought to light to her that to start living.
Don't wait till tomorrow to do something and to take advantage of all that life gives you.
You make the best out of your situation.
Dream the impossible and go get it.
So that is what she did.

       Finally in high school, Lulu had her playing and karate.She got into college
and started on her path to her dream.

       In College, Lulu found her true self and her inner peace with the horn. Annabell, a new horn, came into her life and showed her all the joy and fun of relaxing.
       Now in the "real world" Lulu is converting everyone to Lululand. Fun, honest, good, playful. That's what life is all about. Lulu lives by different mottos
and maybe you too will learn something from her.

       "If you want a friend, be a friend"

       "If you didn't learn one new thing today, it's another day wasted."

       "At the end of the day, think back to what you have accomplish. Are you happy? Remember you don't get a second chance to live"

       "If all fails, SMILE!"
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