Photo Album
Lulu through the Years
Look at her grow!!!
Crazy Lulu
Cuba Pictures
Make sure to check out the following website on my trip to Cuba
Cuba Photos
It's a Residence Life for Me
The Ashby Staff 2002-2003
Shannon, Paula, me, and Paula
The Winona Girls
Stefanie, me, Kelly, Tracy, Shannon, Paula
The Rodney Complex of 2003-2004
Other Events in My Life
At the 10-year High School Reunion
the High Horizons Crew
Go yourself girlfriend. Give that Kung Fu fighting boy a taste of his own medicine.
(it's only Ryan and I playing
Billy (aka '92 Plymouth Sundance)
We went through so much. Billy was my first car. Though it had a hair loss problem (the paint was coming off), Billy protected me from snow, rain, men, and anything with four legs.
Rosa, the new car in my life
I traded in Billy for Rosa on April 12, 1998. Rosa is a '98 Toyota Rav4. She is an all-time 4 wheel SUV (Sports Utilty Vehicle. She's small, spuk-e, and all Lulu.
Micky, named after Micky Dolenz of the Monkees. Micky is a lovable cat who has beautiful eyes and always talks to you. She has gotten used to having Cleo around and still is Momma's favorite.
Cleo (short for Cleopatra), named because she is a little Black Princess (even though Cleopatra was not black). You may find Cleo rolling around in lulu's clothes, attacking Micky, or just sleeping around in a sailor's hat
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