My Love
Name :  Karl Michael Kaliher
Born :  July 26, 1979
Place :  Lubbock, Texas
Hometown :  Evanston, IL

Family :  Carlene - mom, Charles "Chip" - dad(deceased), Dave - stepdad,
Kelly - sister, Kenny - brother

Close Friends :  Monica Yaqeuian, Caleb Grace, Matt Delahoussaye, Jason Siverson, Josh Dan
Hobbies :  Running, Music (Trombone, piano), Playing cards, Basketball
My husband graduated from St. Mary's University(SMU) in Winona, MN as a psychology major. He also graduated from James Madison University (JMU) with a degree of Education Speciatist in Counseling Psychology
with an Emphasis in Community Counseling
We met through SMU Band. He plays a mean trombone and was in
every ensemble under the Winona sun
(like me...see he does want to be like me).
Of course as we all know trombone players give the best kisses.
He's crazy, lovable, and I love him.
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