
Continued from previous page

You are nearly through, step 7 is detailed below, PLEASE follow the instructions carefully.
Go To: Enter your name and your zfee E-mail address in the space provided, and press "sign me up". Again please carefully follow all of the sign-up instructions for this program.
STEP 8: GO To: Join their free program and remember to enter your E-mail address. (you cannot use zfee for this one) For the ad use the details below: Subject: EXCLUSIVE Affiliate Program that can earn up to One Million Dollars.  Body: This Incredible 100% NO COST program costs nothing to start or run,  get started and be earning in 2 hours! There is never any cost, no catch and this is absolutely no risk. Simply send a blank email to [email protected] (put your E-mail address here).
OK! Once you have completed STEP 8 you have set yourself up with an automatic marketing machine, that will get your ad in front of people. Now it time to work on the "meat and potatoes" end of making money!
Now this is IMPORTANT!.
EVERY DAY you must go to your new mega respose lottery site and logon, and ideally enter the lottery. Do this as often as you can. Megarespose will send you an E-mail which you should open and read but do not delete until after the lottery is over. You will find your lottery site at megaresponse ID)
And thats IT.
It sounds unbelievable, but if you follow all of these steps exactly, you should have $1,000,000 within two years. It sounds like a long time, but you won't have to wait that long to start receiving checks every month, and their amount will increase monthly as your business grows..
Remember all you have to do is to get 10 people to follow these same steps as you just have, and with the autoresponder marketing you have just set up, this should happen automatically. The idea is, to get your message to as many people as possible without Spamming (sending unsolicited E-mail or posting to off topic news groups.) If a company drops you for Spamming, your whole system will collapse!!

So there are other things you can do to greatly decrease the time it will take to reach $1,000,000.

Do as many of the following as possible.

Use your Zwallet account daily. 5-10 E-mail a day sent and received is ideal.
Place classified ads at
Yahoo every 48-72 hours.(When you sign up for your free yahoo account, use your zwallet email address.)
Subscribe to some newsletters that interest you or daily astrology with your
zfee account. This will help to increase your daily e-mails.
When Entering Ads, always remember to use your
sendfree address(autoresponder) in the body of your Ad.
Check out the valuable marketing tools which you will find included in your membership of the companies you have just joined. Take advantage of these to get coverage for your advertising.

Now you will have several web sites when you have finished step 8. These web sites need to get advertising and hit in order to start getting referrals, and this is your main aim, that will start you on the road of earning a monthly income. Below are some places where you can surf for hits to your own sites. It wirks nicely and is a guarantee of getting your sites viewed straight away.
You should also try to make a site like this one to use in your promotion activites;
For INSTANT traffic and exposure of your advertisment. Join Clickthru, ezhits4U and EzclickThru,  and start surfing for credits straight away. Links to join are below. Be sure to join their affiliate programs, and include links to these sites in your autorespoder advertisment.



If you need any further help email me at
[email protected] For a complete copy of this message sent to your email address send a blank email to [email protected]. Regards and good luck! Lightworker, the enjoycompany.
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