Once upon a time in an island to the north...
     It all began with the story of the world's greatest Renaissance man since Leonardo Da Vinci, Magnus Scheving.  Magnus was a world famous athlete and winner of too many titles to mention.  (
Skill #1)  His public speaking (Skill #2) would inspire him to write a book (Skill #3) about an upside down place, known as Lazy Town.  Go, Go Lazytown! would become a bestselling book in Iceland and spawn an entertainment mogul.  Mr. Scheving went on to write a series of books, which were later developed into musical plays written by who else, but our man Magnus. (Playwriting= Skill#4)
     Iceland's Lazy Town would soon parallel our Disney.  Products, theaters, food, and "Latibaer" (Lazy Town) radio would emerge.  Magnus was then named "Marketing Man of the Year" in 2003.  So not only is our man athletic, charismatic, an author, and a playwrite, but he's a business man as well  (
Skill #5) And we're just getting started.
     Nick Jr. would next knock on Lazy Town's door.  The fitness inspired program was an awesome and totally new show for Nick Jr.  Nick Jr. bought 40 episodes and the USA was finally getting to bing bang with Lazy Town.  Magnus would star as Sportacus, the gorgeous slightly above average hero with killer bicepts and a heart of gold. (
Skill #6)  Dancing was also part of his duty, and boy can he dance! (Skill #7)  But behind the scenes is where Magnus would go on to shine as a producer, director, writer, and puppet designer. (Skills 8,9,2, and 10, respectively)
     What can't this man do?  I'm sure he could take over the world if he wanted to.  Maybe it's all part of the plan.  First Iceland, next the USA, and then Canada and Germany (where Lazy Town will also be broadcasted.) Hmm... Magnus Scheving is a man to look up to.  Not only is he incredibly handsome and talented, but he has a positive message to share with everyone.
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This website is not affiliated with Lazy Town Entertainment (c) 2003 or Nick Jr.  It is for entertainment purposes only.
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