Love American Style

Cool show about people finding love. Each original 1 hour long episode was comprised of 1, 2, 3 or 4 smaller, and totally unrelated, "playlets". There was no regular cast or character so roles are played by many of the stars of the day (Davy Jones), and soon-to-be-stars (Harrison Ford), and many who never "made it". Recommended.

In syndication the episodes run only 1/2 hour and the order in which the various playlets are packaged is completely mixed-up. So, while the numbers below refer to their original broadcast order, the order of the segments on discs is random (e.g. a playlet from episode 1 could be coupled with a playlet from episode 43 to form one syndicated 1/2 hour episode).

Quality: Varies. Some are from off-air broadcast (literally off-air, as in rabbit ears) from a low-wattage station in Chicago. These look very vintage and watching them is like going into a time-warp as they look like they would have when originally broadcast. If you remember the days of rabbit ears and poor reception, you know what I mean. Others are from slightly generated TVLand airings. Some discs have the menu pictured above, most have text menus.

Season 1
1. Love and the Hustler 29Sep69
2. Love and the Joker 6Oct69
2. Love and the Living Doll 6Oct69
4. Love and Who? 20Oct69
5. Love and the Modern Wife 27Oct69
5. Love and the Phonies 27Oct69
7. Love and Take Me Along 10Nov69
8. Love and the Roommate 17Nov69
8. Love and the Burglar 17Nov69
9. Love and the Big Leap 24Nov69
9. Love and the Good Deal 24Nov69
9. Love and the Former Marriage 24Nov69
10. Love and the Athlete 1Dec69
10. Love and Mother 1Dec69
11. Love and the Divorce Sale 8Dec69
12. Love and the Other Love 22Dec69
12. Love and the Bachelor 22Dec69
12. Love and the Positive Man 22Dec69
13. Love and the Medium 29Dec69
14. Love and the Proposal 5Jan70
14. Love and the Pick-Up 5Jan70
15. Love and the Boss' Ex 12Jan70
15. Love and Mr. Nice Guy 12Jan70
15. Love and the Gangster 12Jan70
16. Love and the V.I.P. Restaurant 23Jan70
16. Love and the Big Night 23Jan70
17. Love and the Hitchhiker 30Jan70
17. Love and the Great Catch 30Jan70
18. Love and the Banned Book 6Feb70
18. Love and the First Nighters 6Feb70
19. Love and the Teacher 13Feb70
19. Love and the Co-ed Dorm 13Feb70
20. Love and the Many Married Couple 20Feb70
21. Love and the Good Samaritan 27Feb70
21. Love and the Marriage Counselor 27Feb70
21. Love and Las Vegas 27Feb70
22. Love and Grandma 6Mar70
23. Love and the Fly 13Mar70 (bad)
23. Love and the Millionaire 13Mar70

Season 2
25. Love and the Father 25Sep70
26. Love and the Old Boyfriend 2Oct70
26. Love and the Nurse 2Oct70
27. Love and the Hypnotist 9Oct70
27. Love and the Psychiatrist 9Oct70
28. Love and the Longest Night 16Oct70
29. Love and the Elopement 23Oct70 (Davy Jones, Karen Valentine)
29. Love and the Visitor 23Oct70
31. Love and the Decision 6Nov70
32. Love and the Fur Coat 13Nov70
32. Love and the Trip 13Nov70
33. Love and the Young Executive 20Nov70
34. Love and the Champ 27Nov70
34. Love and the Pen Pals 27Nov70
35. Love and the Lost Dog 4Dec70
35. Love and the Intruder 4Dec70
36. Love and the Understanding 11Dec70
37. Love and the Man Next Door 18Dec70
39. Love and the Only Child 1Jan71
39. Love and the Wig 1Jan71
40. Love and the Sack 15Jan71
40. Love and the Triangle 15Jan71 (bad)
41. Love and the Serious Wedding 22Jan71
41. Love and Murphy's Bed 22Jan71
42. Love and the Big Game 29Jan71
43. Love and the Tattoo 5Feb71
43. Love and the Arctic Station 5Feb71
44. Love and the Second Time 12Feb71
44. Love and the Rug 12Feb71
44. Love and the New Roommate 12Feb71
45. Love and the Jury 19Feb71
45. Love and the Pregnancy 19Feb71
46. Love and the Teddy Bear 26Feb71
46. Love and the Heist 26Feb71
47. Love and the Duel 5Mar71
47. Love and the Note 5Mar71
48. Love and Women's Lib 12Mar71
48. Love and the Housekeeper 12Mar71
48. Love and the Fuzz 12Mar71

Season 3
49. Love and Formula 26B 17Sep71
49. Love and the Loud-Mouth 17Sep71
50. Love and the Anniversary Crisis 24Sep71
50. Love and the Monsters 24Sep71
50. Love and the Dream Burglar 24Sep71
50. Love and the Conjugal Visit 24Sep71
50. Love and the Hotel Caper 24Sep71
51. Love and the Traveling Salesman 1Oct71
51. Love and the Neglected Wife 1Oct71
51. Love and the Artful Codger 1Oct71
52. Love and the Ledge 8Oct71
52. Love and the See-Through Man 8Oct71
52. Love and the Waterbed 8Oct71
53. Love and the Guilty Conscience 15Oct71
53. Love and the Detective 15Oct71
53. Love and the Mixed Marriage 15Oct71
53. Love and the Wake-Up Girl 15Oct71
54. Love and the Awakening 22Oct71
54. Love and the Bashful Groom 22Oct71
55. Love and the Reincarnation 29Oct71
55. Love and the Sex Survey 29Oct71
55. Love and the Mistress 29Oct71
55. Love and the Lovesick Sailor 29Oct71
56. Love and the Sweet Sixteen 5Nov71
56. Love and the Married Bachelor 5Nov71
56. Love and the Well-Groomed Bride 5Nov71
57. Love and the Old Cowboy 11Dec71
57. Love and the Free Weekend 11Dec71
57. Love and the Jealous Husband 11Dec71
58. Love and the Eyewitness 19Nov71
58. Love and the Lady Barber 19Nov71
58. Love and the Plumber 19Nov71
59. Love and the Accidental Passion 3Dec71
59. Love and the Eskimo's Wife 3Dec71
59. Love and the Tuba 3Dec71
59. Love and the Black Limousine 3Dec71 (bad)
60. Love and the Hiccups 10Dec71 (bad)
60. Love and the Check 10Dec71
60. Love and the Liberated Lady Boss 10Dec71 (bad)
61. Love and the House Bachelor 17Dec71
61. Love and the Waitress 17Dec71
61. Love and the Particular Girl 17Dec71
61. Love and the Fountain of Youth 17Dec71
62. Love and the Contact Lens 31Dec71
62. Love and the Motel Mixup 31Dec71
62. Love and the Intruder 31Dec71
63. Love and the Lady Athlete 7Jan72
63. Love and the Single Sister 7Jan72
63. Love and the New Size 8 7Jan72
64. Love and the Ski Lodge 14Jan72
64. Love and the Happy Unhappy Couple 14Jan72
64. Love and the Big Surprise 14Jan72
64. Love and the Topless Policy 14Jan72
64. Love and the Security Building 14Jan72
65. Love and the Bathtub 21Jan72
65. Love and the Fullback 21Jan72 (bad)
65. Love and the Advice Column 21Jan72
66. Love and the Anxious Mama 28Jan72
66. Love and the Boomerang 28Jan72
67. Love and the Scroungers 4Feb72
67. Love and the Plane Truth 4Feb72
67. Love and the Small Wedding 4Feb72
68. Love and the Test of Manhood 11Feb72
68. Love and the Old-Fashioned Father 11Feb72
68. Love and the Bachelor Party 11Feb72
68. Love and the Latin Lover 11Feb72
69. Love and the Lovely Evening 18Feb72
69. Love and the Instant Father 18Feb72
69. Love and Lover's Lane 18Feb72
69. Love and the Alibi 18Feb72
69. Love and the Split-Up 18Feb72
70. Love and the Happy Days 25Feb72

Season 4
71. Love and the Perfect Wife 15Sep72
72. Love and the Cheaters 22Sep72
74. Love and the Oldly Weds 6Oct72
74. Love and the New You 6Oct72
75. Love and the High School Sweetheart 6Oct72
75. Love and Dear Old Dad and Mom 6Oct72
76. Love and the Confession 20Oct72
77. Love and the Little Black Book 27Oct72
77. Love and the Happy Medium 27Oct72
78. Love and the President 3Nov72
79. Love and Lady Luck 10Nov72
79. Love and the Hairy Excuse 10Nov72
80. Love and the Christmas Punch 17Nov72
80. Love and the Mystic 17Nov72
83. Love and the Ghost 8Dec72
84. Love and the Cryptic Gift 5Jan73
84. Love and the Sexpert 5Jan73
87. Love and the Wee He 26Jan73
88. Love and the Laughing Lover 2Feb73
89. Love and the Playwright 9Feb73
91. Love and the Happy Family 23Feb73
92. Love and the Mr. and Mrs. 2Mar73

Season 5
99. Love and the Hoodwinked Honey 19Oct73
103. Love and the Blue Plate Special 23Nov73
104. Love and the Hidden Meaning 30Nov73
104. Love and the Model Apartment 30Nov73

Unknown eps:
Love and the Lady Killers
Love and the Big Date

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