The Eddie Capra Mysteries

Nice quality from low-gen or off-broadcast VHS to DVD SP. Would like to find all the eps I'm missing, as noted.

P1. Nightmare at Pendragon's Castle

Season 1
1. Where There's Smoke 22Sep78
2. Murder, Murder 29Sep78
3. Murder on the Flip Side 6Oct78
WANTED 4. And the Sea Shall Give Up Her Dead 20Oct78
5. Dirge for a Dead Dachshund 27Oct78
6. How Do I Kill Thee? 3Nov78
7. The Intimate Friends of Jenny Wilder 10Nov78
8. Breakout to Murder 1Dec78
9. The Two Million Dollar Stowaway 8Dec78
WANTED 10. Dying Declaration 15Dec78 (2 hours)
WANTED 11. Murder Plays a Dead Hand 22Dec78 (12Jan79 in some areas)
WANTED 12. Now You See Her� 5Jan79

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