If it wasn't for the title, would you have recognized Keaper from the previous page?� Can you see how we came about with the name Keaper?� We pronounce it "keeper".

Get it?
Keaper was the runt of Brindle's last litter.� We really didn't know if she was going to make it or not.� She was so little she had to have her own feeding time, before the others would wake and feed.
If we hadn't paid close atttention to her she would have been pushed aside by the others until there was nothing left for her.
With all the extra attention we spent with Keaper, we ended up not wanting to stop caring for her.
So we kept Keaper.
This is a picture of Keaper next to her largest brother.� He was the "pick-of-the-litter".
Click on the links below to go to that bullies web page


Keaper is 10 months in this picture.� We will breed her  sometime in 2002.
� She is 1 year old and now weighs 40 pounds.
Keaper's main ambition in life is to rid the world of flies!
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Keaper was bread to Wilbur on the 27th of MAY 03.
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