Awards for you
Sukara's award for a beautiful site:
Doesn't it explain itself, you need to a a site that is really well beautiful. You need to have worked hard on your site, which most sites seem to be. Beautiful may seem hard to get but as long as it is original and stands out your half way there. =^.^=
To get one of my awards you need to email me with your name, website name, website URL, and why you deserve one of my awards. I don't mind if a site is under construction as long as there is over 2 pages and they are quality, if a site has 1 or 2 broken images I don't mind but a bit more and it may be taken into acoount (I sound so old!!) Make sure your subject on the email is something to do with 'award' or else I might mistake it for junk mail and delete it.
Thanks Lazyalleycat:)
A truly magical site:
To get this award you need to have a site that stands out from others, as any truly magical site does. A site which includes a magical anime, and an altogether unique site! (warning, kind of hard to get!!!)
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The most angelic site:
Just work hard on your site, get it running smoothly, have a site on angelic anime, and your just about there. The only hard part is to get the site up to a standard of angelicness! 
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Amy's sulute to an informative site:
To win this award you just need to have a site which contains information on 1 or many anime. Well, of course most sites have information, but this has to be the type of information that really helps when you are looking up different anime, not the type that leaves you confused!
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