Marmalade Boy,                                                              is a story       about Miki,and                                                                 her life. it shows the relationship between her and her love and also her and her friends. A part that is cool in this Anime is that it also shows the love lifes of Miki's close friends. 
I have read about Maramalade boy on different sites and there is one thing that is said that I cannot explain, so I will just write it all down and see if you can understand the start.
Miki's parents meet Yuu's parents in Hawaii, and decided to seperate switch parteners and stay together *see I told you it's confusing*, this initiates the the meeting of the destined lovers Miki and Yuu.
Originally Yuu teases Miki, acting like a really idiot. But at this time Miki is confused, as one of her really good friends Suou is interested in her, so she doesn't pay too much attention to him.
But eventually Miki clicks that Yuu likes her too, and chooses him over Suou. They have a good relationship but try really hard to keep allt his from their parents. All this seems to make both Miki and Yuu really grow up and mature.....which was good for them in many ways. 

There is one thing that I must add..............the pictures are not up to any high standard, the hair colours change from day to day and some days the people are pasty others they are full of colour. But sometimes the pictures do jump out and are completley kawaii and fitting for the person,so don't go bagging it straight away, it is still really cool!
Marmalade Boy
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