Welcome to my Guestbook!

Jan Hernandez - 12/14/00 23:31:58
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/mt/vieja/index.html

What beautiful children you have. I am so sorry for the loss of your beloved Alison. I also appreciate your visit to my journaling pages (www.angelfire.com/mt/jansjournaling/psalm.html) --the emotions are still very raw, but, as you too have found, we do adjust and learn how best to cope for ourselves. Our Lora's 20th b-day was 2 days ago, and though it's been 1 1/2 years, it was a full 24 hours of torture emotionally for me. I read all through Alison's diving adventures, along with her health woes, and thought to myself how, though she was an introvert to my Lora's extrovert, they had much in common--their kindness, their excitement in sports (softball and volleyball for my Lora), and their dogged determination to compete no matter what. I think that determination is what sets the athletes apart from just participants... In her senior year of high school, Lora tore her ACL just a few weeks before State Championships--and of course, she put a leg brace on and insisted on playing part of every game! It hurt her daddy and I to watch, but she was determined--and, as she was team captain, she went in to every huddle, and led the girls in prayer. I see your Alison with such similar determination and drive. Perhaps our girls are buddies in their new Home? It will be interesting to find out whenever the time comes for us to cross over. Again, my thoughts and prayers are with you at the holidays.

Jan - 12/11/00 04:35:13
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/id/tcfbrisbane/Kellyspage

I came to see your sight because you had visited my Kelly's page and left a message. What can I say! I love your daughters site, it just made me cry and cry. She is so beautiful and the words you have chosen reach deep inside those of us who have suffered this unthinkable loss. May my caring and compassion reach out to you across the miles as we remember our precious children as we struggle through another Christmas. Yours in Compassionate friendship.......Jan

Yolonda - 12/02/00 02:56:19
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/yomoore/home.html

Oh what a beautiful young lady. Surely, she and Kimberly would have been friends if they had known one another. Maybe they are now. Thank you for visiting Kimberly's page and sharing Alison's with me. This pain clutches my heart every second of every minu e of every hour. The short breaths of relief I ever get are from other parents who understand...who allow me to be the new me even though I don't want to be. I want the old me who had two living girls. As I know you want the old you, too. But, I thank you for reaching out to say you care and I want you to know I return that. How small this world is.

Leeann - 11/17/00 23:33:29

What a beautiful tribute to a beautiful girl, you have done a wonderful job of keeping Alison's memories alive. I was smiling and crying all at the same time. I lost my little boy in January this year, he too died in a Brisbane hospital and it was very un xpectedly of a stroke. When I am ready I would like to do a web site in his memory. I thank you for your inspiration.

Lydia - 11/14/00 05:57:47
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/lydia10_ma/myhome.html

Dear People, Looking at the photographs of your young loved one, Alison, from the time she was a little baby until she was eighteen, I can sense that you miss her, painfully. I am so sorry for your loss. ---Lydia Farmer

Dave and Lil Luallin - 11/11/00 04:51:59
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ok/alittlepieceofheaven

What a beautiful page! Found it from your guestbook signing on the Donor Mom's page. My wife, Lil, is a kidney recipient and I am wondering how things are done in Aussie Land. We were able to write to our donor's family (it was up to them to accept it r not) and they wanted contact with us and we have since met several times. Does that happen there? The page I listed is a page in Holly's (our donor's) memory made by her Mom. We are on the link titled "Holly's Recipients". We would love to hear from you. Our e-mail address is [email protected]. Take care and God bless. Dave

Boots - 11/09/00 08:39:28

Wow, what a beautiful web site - and what a fantastic idea - this has touched me - spending time here has been most enjoyable. I will never forget you Alison regards Coach Carol (Boots Diving Club)

Aubrey - 11/08/00 15:37:26
My URL:http://[email protected]

A beautiful tribute to a beautiful young woman! I'm glad I had the opportunity to meet her through this web site.

Maxine - 11/07/00 14:34:43
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/hi2/motherswithangels/

Such a beautiful site you have in memory of your darling daughter. I am sure she is shining down from Heaven watching over you, and feeling proud of your tirbute to her. Love and Hugs,,,,,

Janet - 11/05/00 23:57:16
My URL:http://[email protected]

The site is wonderful. It is a wonderful tribute to Allison. I know she is so proud of you. (((HUGS)))

Joan - 11/05/00 07:21:12
My URL:[email protected]


Jackie - 11/04/00 20:27:42
My URL:http://my_angels.tripod.com/

Majella, What a beautiful tribute to your daughter. You have created a wonderful memorial for Alison. Your love for her is evident on every page. I know that she is very proud of her Mum.

[email protected] - 11/04/00 05:16:46

Netta sent me to this site, what a beautiful page! I myself have not lost a child, but have a very dear friend who did and I can only imagine the pain you must feel. Your site brought tears to my eyes and a sorrow to my heart. My prayers are with you a d your family.

Cuppy - 11/04/00 03:19:43
My URL:http://home.ptd.net/~cuppy7/angelstouch.htm

You have a beautiful site in tribute to your beloved Alison! I know your pain, as I lost my beloved grandaughter Melissa, age 16, very suddenly. Please stop by my site and read my original poetry written by her broken hearted Gram. Luv'n prayers, Cuppy< r>
Ann - 11/04/00 00:32:20
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/ldmurrish/

Dear Majalla, What a beautiful girl, and smile Allison has. I love your poetry and music. Thank you for sharing your daughter's Memorial Page. My thoughts and prayers are with you. Netta is such a special lady! My son is in Heaven also. Most Sincerely, Ann Sherman

Linda aka LiiLa CosmicDancer - 11/03/00 22:25:53
My URL:http://www.cosmicdancer.therapids.net/universe.html

Majella you have created a lovely tribute here for your beautiful daughter. I am so sorry that you had to lose her at such a young age. May peace in her memory dwell in your heart now and forever. Linda aka LiiLa

Mary Catherine Jones - 11/03/00 21:17:36
My URL:http://www.chucksinheaven.com

Dear Majella, To say that you have created a beautiful legacy to your precious Alison is an understatement. Your unending love for her and your pride in all she accomplished in her all-too-short life is apparent here. Your pride in her is well founded. I can only imagine how anxious you must be to find out the results of Rebecca's AVM tests as well. God bless you. My deepest compassion is with you and yours.My wish for you is one of precious memories and softer sorrows. (((HUGS TO YOU ALL)))

Bea - 11/03/00 18:31:53
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/beabrunton2000

What a beautiful site you have created for Alison. Having done the samae thing for my son, I can imagine how much sorrow and joy you have felt whilst it was being created. It is a sure way of keeping her memory alive. My own son passed away in 1998 as well, so I know it's very early days. I pray that you find some peace in your days. Luvnhugs Bea

Margaret Oster - 11/03/00 15:15:56
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/ferraroart/karen/

I am so sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter, but know one thing, she is in God's home now and you will see her again. Love margaret

[email protected] - 11/03/00 12:06:06

What a wonderful tribute to your beautiful daughter. Thank you for sharing her with me. Keeping you always in my thoughts and prayers. Love and hugs, Carolyn ^I^ Matthew's Mom 2/17/81-5/1/99

Linda S. - 11/03/00 11:55:33
My URL:http://jeremy2575.homestead.com/index.html

Majella, my heart gose out to you, I am so sorry for your loss,I too lost my child, and I know and share your pain.You have my love, and prayers...LOL

Laura Bellah - 11/03/00 11:17:53
My URL:http://aslifegoeson.com

Majella, I cried as I looked through your site. My son passed away January, 2000 and as I look through your site and read the words, I feel it all. Thank you for sharing with all of us that will be living with a piece of us missing. I always run across a poem o words that really hits home and helps me to heal. Netta led me to your site. She is a wonderful person. May God bless you and keep his arms around you and your heart as you go through life.

Jody - 11/03/00 05:23:13
My URL:http://www.1freespace.com/memorials/corymichaelgriffin.html

I am so very sorry for the loss of your beautiful daughter. I too, have lost my child, and the pain can be unbearable at times. With the help of other grieving parents, who share your pain, may we in some way lessen your burden, by helping you carry it. N tta sent this site to me and I am glad that I was able to visit, and share your daughter with you. May God hold you in the palm of His hand, Hugs Jody

David - 11/03/00 05:23:12
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ca/mineryhomepage/67accident.html

You have made a very beautiful site for Alison. I am sadden for your family and her friends that she was called back to Heaven so young and for the emptiness your family will always feel. My thoughts will be with you all. ...from one that has been to t e edge and was spared, "Old Iron" Dave

pat - 11/03/00 05:16:11
My URL:http://geocities.com/poo1228/home/html

Your pages are done with so much feeling, it shows what a beautiful and loving Your pages are wonderful. Your daughter is a beautiful young lady. I have never lost a child but through my sister... Netta... who lost her daughter I know what a terrible time this is for you. May God walk with you and easy your pain. Sincerely Pat

- 11/03/00 04:56:35

Sorry for the loss of your daughter, Alison. We lost our son. Ryan who was 16 in a car accident June 17, 1999. Your pages were a nic tribute to Alison. Karen, Ryan's Mom

- 11/03/00 04:56:28

Sorry for the loss of your daughter, Alison. We lost our son. Ryan who was 16 in a car accident June 17, 1999. Your pages were a nic tribute to Alison. Karen, Ryan's Mom

Linda - 11/03/00 04:48:14
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/jlkangel

This is a beautiful tribute to another beautiful angel. I will wonder until the day I die, why God had plans for our beautiful children so early in their lives. You will find great strength from your web site, from Netta, and all other internet moms who have lost their children too soon.

Gina - 11/03/00 03:32:58
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/inspiration1/home.html

Alison is a beautiful girl. I feel a connection to you through your pain. I too lost my daughter in 1998. She was 13 years old. She had a brain tumor. Don't let anyone tell you it's been to long to cry. Our pain will never go away. You can visit my site which is dedicated to my daughter at: http://www.homestead.com/inspiration1/home.html We have a common friend (Netta) Hope to hear from you.

Susan - 11/03/00 03:14:00
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/momsippy

Your pages in memory of Alison are just beautiful. People seem to think that time will heal the pain. We learn to cope with the terrible sadness; it never goes away. God Bless You as you continue on the road of grief and give you comfort along the way. I lost one of my sons suddenly 4 years ago. He, too, is an organ donor. I hope you don't mind, I copied the organ donor ribbon from your pages so I can eventually add to Kyle's story and share the wonder of his donation. Gentle blessings to you and yo r family, Susan

Susan - 11/03/00 02:22:48
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/wmdale77/index.html

I am so sorry for your loss, it is hard to lose a loved one. You have made a beautiful tribute page to remember your precious daughter. May the Lord bless you.

Mindy Sayre - 11/03/00 01:44:57
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/ms/lovely4you/index.html

What a WONDERFUL group of pages for such a beautiful girl. I can feel the pride you have in her achievements, as well as the searing pain, in your heart, at her death. Someday the pain will be gone and only the scar will remain, and then you will be able o remember the happy times. Just know how happy she wants you to be, and don't let death over come. Be happy and know you will all be toghter again, someday. Till then God Bless. Love Mindy

Cathy Hroncich - 11/03/00 01:34:17
My URL:http://www.geocities.com/Heartland/Ranch/8537

What a beautiful tribute to your daughter Allison, she is a gorgeous young woman. I am so sorry for your loss and I know the pain it brings you every day. Her "Heaven Day" is also my wedding anniversary. My husband and I celebrated our 6th anniversary w th our daughter Brianna in Pennsylvania, USA. We took her to the Amish country when she was 3 1/2 months old and she died 2 1/2 weeks later from a routine vaccine. Today is Brianna's "Heaven Day". I wish you strength on your long journey ahead. Again, you did a terrific job on Allison's page. Hugs, Cathy Brianna's Mommy Forever

Rose - 11/03/00 01:28:56
My URL:[email protected]

Netta sent me to your memorial for your beautiful and talented daughter Alison. I love the choice of your poems, all the photographs and music. I am so sorry for the loss of your daughter.

Laura Jones - 11/03/00 01:26:27
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/az2/heartofanangel

Majella, you did a wonderful job on Allison's site.What a beautiful young girl taken to soon just like my Jeanne..We will always share that bond that our gfirls passed from the same exact thing..God Bless and take care always, Laura Arizona USA

Netta - 11/03/00 00:54:46
My URL:http://www.homestead.com/memoriesofcara/index.html

Dear Majella, It has turned out lovely and I am so happy you have it done. But then I know we are never really done, I am always adding and changing things. I love the background and Alison is such a beautiful girl. Love Netta

Candy - 11/02/00 16:09:29
My URL:http://www.angelfire.com/id/candygirl/avmlinks.html

This site is just beautiful as was your daughter. What a wonderful thing that you did; she will be remembered always. Candy Lynch

LINDA - 11/01/00 20:44:05
My URL:http://[email protected]


Mary - 11/01/00 14:48:44
My URL:[email protected]

I am not very good at putting my feelings into words but your story of your daughter really touched me. I never had my aneurysm bleed, I was one of the fortunate ones that had the aneurysm discovered and clipped so that it wouldn't burst. I have done ve y well. The surgery was in Dec 1999. I still go through all letters and narratives sent to me by this organization. With each story that doesn't end very well I become more and more thankful for the luck I have experienced. Your memorial site is beaut ful and expresses your feelings so well. Take care.

cathy overton - 11/01/00 13:49:59
My URL:http://www.westga.edu/~wmaples/overton.html

thanks to your story the rest of my children are being checked-out. they are also doing genetic research at Indiana University Medical Facility, Genetics and molecular research. cathy

Sherrie Kelly - 11/01/00 06:19:07

What a beautiful memorial site. Sorry for your loss. God Bless you and your family.

Nat - 10/31/00 22:44:00

I think of you often. Yummys and I had your first anniversary while we were diving over seas in Taiwan. We played a few of the games that we all use to play at Nick's parties and had a great laugh about the times that we had shared with you. I only hope that I had as much impact on your life as you did mine. I miss you Al. Love Nat

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