
Guess I'll update this real fast while I'm waiting on my laundry to get finished...I want to go to bed so bad. I'm tired and I think I'm getting sick. I hope it's not true, I was thinking this was going to be the first time in...well I don't even know how long...maybe just the first time ever that I haven't gotten sick at least once during the winter. I think my luck's about to run out...more Zuka Juice please.

Oh man the moon has been so wonderful the last few nights. It's just unbelievable driving home from big & bright in the night sky. Going up & down the hills on my road facing it head on with it reflecting off the shiny tar ruts is not just a vision to be seen, but more of a feeling to be felt. I missed seeing the blue moon because of the cloud coverage that day. I guess it was on my side though...I went to the Super Bowl party, didn't even know who was playing when I got there, placed 4 bets & won all 4 of them!

Current music: Derek & The Dominos, Layla & other assorted love songs
Current reading: The Crow, Shattered Lives & Broken Dreams
Released yesterday!!!: Prince & The Revolution "1999 The New Masters" It's good! If you like the old version and are expecting it to be like that then you may not like it too much.

Laundry's done now so I'm going to get it put away and curl up with a book for a few minutes. Just one more thing. Get out the puking receptacles...Valentine's Day is coming soon!

I don't want to play that way...

Nothing exciting and new here except my attitude today was totally awesome! Don't know why, but I was back to being my happy self, what a welcome change. I was beginning to worry about me, now I'll just worry that I'm a manic-depressive or some other psycho problem. Now that I'm home I kinda wish that I'd gone out tonight, but hey...I'm home, outta the dress, full (another "thank you, drive thru" dinner), warm & I did purchase a new movie this week (The X Files). Couldn't resist at 55% off, I could rent it & pay one day late charge for that price & we know there would have been at least one day late charge. I have to answer to no one, but I still feel the need to justify wasting money.

Tomorrow I'm going to get a hair cut. Can't believe how long it's gotten, life goes on. Think I will wait until summer to really whack it again. I'm such a puss in this cold weather.

I'm such a puss in the not so cold weather...Only a true friend would give me her electric heater so I wouldn't get cold at work, especially when I know she stays as cold as I do.

Got the key back! Woo Hoo! That just makes me feel so much better. Well, sorta better...I know it makes me worry a whole lot less, but I do feel like a shit about it. I know that I have all the answers, as long as I have all the facts...getting all the facts is the hard part. Go figure.

Current music: 10,000 Maniacs mtv unplugged.

Guess I'll get out of here for now. Lazer is anticipating every move I make which means he's gotta go outside or thinks he can convince me that I haven't fed him yet. When I get up & start toward the kitchen I will know which one it is.

I hope you're New Year has started off well. I don't really know what to say about mine. I guess I am just overly tired from working two jobs. I don't ever remember in my whole life being this bitchy to everyone. I've been putting out some razor edge sharp answers. What's up with that? Things are not that bad and I am glad to get on with another year. Not that 1998 was bad because I had a lot of good things happen�I just had one thing that was pretty much eating away at me all year & life is not perfect. My prediction is this year's gonna be better (wishful thinking)�somehow, someway, but I gotta come out of this mood I've been in for the last few weeks. Gee, I'M gettin' on MY nerves! It's hard work trying to stay happy especially when I feel like I just want to cry. What are your goals for this year? I haven't set any. I feel like I personally accomplished so much last year that I can rest this year. lol Really I haven't even had time to think about it�guess I should. I get side tracked and out of control easily.

My art class starts back tomorrow. I haven't even been excited about that. Hopefully when I get there tomorrow that attitude will change.

Current selection for this evening is The artist formerly know as Fresh Prince�Will Smith.

Keep it real. Over.

Happy 1999!!! My holidays kinda sucked. Not enough time off, that's for sure...I really haven't been slackin'! I had to go out of town for a funeral on New Year's eve. My uncle died and he was the last older relative on my Dad's side of the family (not counting my sibs). That really feels weird. He will be missed. I had to work on New Year's day too so I just didn't feel like ringing in the New Year right...or should I say, right for me this year was turning on the TV, watching the man do "1999" and going to bed. I guess next year I can party like it's 1999...hey, what can I say? I'm usually behind or is that ahead? Other holiday suckin' water pipes froze, I had to go to work(s) without a shower. We had freezing rain and I couldn't drive to work(s). I had no time to shop, but since I couldn't make it to work(s) one day I had plenty of time for wrapping the gifts that I didn't have time to shop for. The non-suckin' pipes didn't burst & I got to take a shower...everyone was glad. The roads melted in time to get to celebrate Christmas with my family. I did all my Christmas shopping at work.

I'm just enjoying some well-deserved time off... candles...lit, drink...poured, CD...playing. Current selections, Big Head Todd & The Monsters...Lenny Kravitz...Tesla...Metallica...

I'm excited because Lisa's supposed to come to town next week. I can't wait...
oh yeah, this is gonna be good!

Merry Christmas to all my friends!

Well, if my life wasn't really SSDD I would update this more often! I hope everyone had a good Thanksgiving, I know I did. It's almost December and I had to mow the yard today. I did however, put the lawn mower away for the winter...then it rained. So what! I'm not dragging it out again until next Spring.

I have two jobs now. Yes, believe it. I don't know what possesed me that I could work another job for the holidays, but I need to find that demon and shoot it! Really it's a pretty cool job and my main problem will be trying not to spend all my money there. Buying music is one area where I don't have much self control, this will be interesting!

I went to see Garbage when they played here. I couldn't find anyone to go with me so I went by myself. I had like the best seat there...first seat next to the stage. Shirley Manson is one little ball of energy with a cool voice. It was a good show.

I had a great Halloween, no, I had a weird Halloween! I went to a few parties, but I'm not much of a party person when I have to work the next morning. The one on Halloween night though... I'll get around to posting some pics sometime soon. (Gotta have a Halloween page, it's the best Holiday.)

Oh favorite new CD! New Radicals! "Maybe You've Been Brainwashed Too" I think this is like the best CD I've bought in a while. There's not a bad song on it. Kinda reminds me of Todd Rundgren, The Rolling Stones & occassionally Sheryl.

Every time I get to thinking I'm such hot shit...I have to take Defensive Driving again. I will have to admit, taking it on video is much more interesting than the class.

I don't know when I'm going to find the time to Christmas shop, so you'll probably be getting a CD from me. LOL, you may as well tell me what you want.

"You've got the music in you"

Well, fall is here. I know that makes a lot of people happy but it makes me so sad�summer is over! I hate to think about winter coming. Okay, I won't, I'll just enjoy the fall for awhile�like I have a choice in the weather anyway. I finally got to see "City of Angels". Oh my God...I did love it. I will never taste or look at a pear in the same light again. And "Iris" was my major favorite song of the whole summer�I'm still not sick of it even though it's being played somewhere every time I turn around. It's just so good!
I've been to so many parties lately & Discovery Zone & art exhibits & the Hot Air Balloon Fest & the Harvest Festival�I guess a little cooler weather is not so bad. My art classes started back and I'm happy about that, but my current projects are pretty hard & time consuming. That's okay, I love it. Now I have to figure out what I'm going to turn myself into for the Halloween party.

"I would rather have had one breath of her hair, one kiss of her mouth,
one touch of her hand than an eternity without it. One."

In other words�

"I'd give up forever to touch you."

(lol, that song is on the radio as I type... *sigh* It just makes me think too much.)

Today...Just for LAURI! Happy Birthday little ya! Just so you know, I wouldn't trade you for anyone. You could get online every once in a while & check your e-mail though! ...hint, hint. Click here to see us 20 something years ago.

Alright already. I am so brain dead! Okay, but you want news.
Every while in a great once... lol.
Elton John came to town & I was there, baby! He was as great as expected and then some. Like we're sitting there in, well I don't know what the temp was, but just sitting there I was sweatin' (I think my friend was too but he looked pretty cool to me*) and the man could raise chill bumps on me. And I hate that Crocodile Rock song, but I gotta admit it was fun live. He did Tiny Dancer...TOTALLY AWESOME & MY FAV, that is until he did Your Song. Grey Seal was, everything he did was good! I liked his back drop thingy too, I can't really describe it but it turned purple occassionally so I was happy. Woo Hooooo!

I'm still working on getting my computer back like I had it. I can't believe I lost so much stuff. Oh well, that means I'll just have to be creative & come up with some new stuff. Jolene girl...I lost your e-mail addy, but I still want to trade. If you ever come back here please e-mail me.

I went to see Vince Gill when he played here a couple of weeks ago. I just love his voice, but man if he hadn't have done What The Cowgirls Do I think I'd have had to shoot myself from depression. I managed to find a way to jam to those depressing songs anyway. Vince is too cute!

Go Falcons! Keep on kickin' butt!

Lessons learned this week...Never jump & run out of the shower. Owww! And careful of loose screws too. I'm killin' myself here.

*I'd like to be the water in his bath!

"Time on my hands,
Could be time spent with you."

Man, we are in the 18th day of temperatures over 100�. I went out to mow the yard during the day and I lasted about 30 minutes! lol...okay, so maybe I am a pansy but people ARE dying from this heat. I decided that getting the yard mowed was just not that important. They have even rationed the water out here where I live.
I did DOUBLE aunt duty today! Yep, I'm worn out but I have the best nephews.
Engarde! I went to see The Mask of Zorro. I didn't think I would like it but I did. I cried at the end (I'm really wearing this pansy stuff out).
Another thing...if you like poetry you should check out Jewel's "a night without armor". She's really good at it!

"Love is like a heatwave!"

Lazer & I just came in from drawing pics & writing our names in cement. We are the pair! It's hotter than shit outside we both cut our hair short for the summer. At least it's nice at night, we've been spending lots of time looking at the moon through the telescope. It looked really cool last week when it was full and the sky was really clear. I'm putting new rock on my drive & it just got here so I guess I better go oversee that. lol, like they need my help. Hey, but I like to watch! I'll finish later.

All I have to say today is
Chaz is 40!!!
(& it does his body good)

Woo Hoooo!!! Now, I feel much better.

but ordinary's just not good enough today -olp

yes, yes, yes...I love this weather! It's great except for all the mowing that needs to be done out here. Even that is pretty cool (remind me I said that at the end of the summer). I can already tell this is going to be a good summer. One reason...lots of good new music out. Don't you think that makes summertime better?

Hopefully soon I will get a chance to update my web page. I have a lot of stuff I want to add & update but I just haven't been able to get around to it. I have been playing around with some animation stuff. That's pretty fun but I don't know if I will put any on here or not. Well, when I get better at it I will.

Maybe I should just stay away from those ATM's... I won a Coca-Cola cash card from The Edge 94.5 (that's another story & much better than this one but...). Anyway, you take them to the ATM and see how much money you win. Well, I get to the ATM and I can't get it to take my card. I finally go inside the bank and ask some banker man if they have an ATM inside. He says, "We have one outside". I told him that the one outside wouldn't take my card so he goes with me to assist. Of course, when he goes it takes my card right away & I feel like an idiot. He is curious by this time wanting to know how much I won. We read the directions on the card which were not all there...the machine asks more questions than the directions have so this banker man tells me what to tell the was kinda funny. The machine gave me $100. and that banker was asking me..."Where can I get one of those?" lol

How many times do I have to learn...all the love I have is in my mind. -The Verve

Keep Hope Alive. Yep, EdgeFest 98 rocked. I can't pick a favorite band, they were all good...Everclear, Our Lady Peace & Fuel would have to be my top picks though. Fuel kicked ass playing Shimmer, that song is still way too good. I missed Brother Cane but I heard they were good too. The weather was perfect, sitting up on the hill we had a really nice breeze. I think there were about 30,000 people there...I made new friends, ran into an old friend (while standing in the beer line...imagine that) that I grew up with, that was pretty cool. I talked to this one guy that turned out to be a friend of a friend. I had a great time. My only complaint is that they wouldn't let us take anything in. It was a real pain to have to go stand in line everytime we wanted something, not to mention expensive...I guess that's the way they make their money though. I hope everyone is recovering okay.

I crashed rollerblading the other day, I didn't lose too much hide but you can still send all your sympathy or whatever. LOL, you know how I am. And since I haven't said in a favorite song for the last month or so has been Iris by the Goo Goo Dolls...I really want to go see that movie City Of Angels, well, among about 3 or 4 others.

"You bleed just to know you're alive."

She got a job! Finally...the job search/interview thing was getting old & I was getting stressed big time. At least I can stop stressing about that now. Yea! WooHoo!

Hey remember that movie that I said I got to be an extra in??? I forgot the name of it but I think it is "Still Holding On", anyway it stars Clint Black & Lisa Hartman. It's on tonight...starts at 8:00 on CBS. I have been waiting to see it since November and now I won't even be able to watch it because I have art class tonight. Oh well, I'll set the VCR & try not to mess it up. LOL Well, maybe someone will record it for me.

Happy Easter everyone! Mystery truck...LOL, not really a mystery but Friday evening I heard Cheyenne barking & I go to see what's up. There is a truck in my pasture! Two trucks collided in front of my house & one of them ran right through my fence. Everyone was okay & they are going to come back and fix my fence. Good dog award to Cheyster!!! Last year someone ran through my fence...snapped a telephone pole & landed upside down in my pasture, that was a most impressive wreck. Everyone was okay then too.

I had a pretty busy week this past week...that's why I haven't been online that much. I have been doing the job interview thing, now that's what I call fun! I had a garage sale this week, another thing that I call fun...LOL. Had a foal born out here, they really are fun to watch. Been rollerblading, always fun. And I got tickets to EdgeFest 98! That will be fun. Something else but I forgot...duh, see ya.

Mystery Cattle...I'm not kidding. I get home today and have cow/calf pairs all over the place. Hmmm, this could be profitable. The horses are gone though...never heard from anyone on them.

I couldn't get through this day without telling Michael LoSasso...
Happy 31st Birthday!

Mystery Horses... Okay, so I get home and have two horses in my front yard. Not too unusual since I have horses but these are NOT mine. Just how did they get here? If someone is playing an April Fools joke on me...not funny. I want them gone, they're tearing up my already ugly yard. You may claim your horses any time you wish. They're here, come & get 'em.

I haven't been updating this page that often...sorry, the weather has been too nice, aside from the occasional thunderstorm, not to get out, rollerblade & spend some time outdoors. I have also been looking for a job & helping my sister move...I'm so glad she moved closer to me. Congrats Lauri & Darrin on your new home!

Well, I gotta hit the rollerblade trail so I can get back & get stuff done before South's a new one tonight.

"Oh my God, they killed Kenny." "You bastards!"

Man yesterday was such a nice day here. This was me...I figured one more day like this & I can hit the rollerblade trails. And last night the moon was just gorgeous out here in BFE, one of those big orange ones coming up over the tank dam. I had to go out and look at it for a while. It didn't last long though, the wind picked up and the sky started rattling again. At least I enjoyed a spectacular lightning show before it started raining. Oh well, back to my book...Come To Grief by Dick Francis and I might as well mention the current music while I'm at it. The Truth by 0(+>. It's all acoustic & Animal Kingdom is BTTMFB (figure it out or ask me).
I should have my purple links page up soon. I know you will just love the shit out of it. LOL I've been couped up too long, I feel like a horse ready to bust out of a stall because someone didn't exercise it the day before. One big powerful mass of flesh with not a whole lot of brains. See, I'm losing it.

Congratulations to Charles P. Raley. Charles has been accepted to Texas Woman's University College of Nursing. Is he hot or what? Way to go, Chaz! And yes folks those initials are C.P.R.

My trip to Kansas was good if you don't count the flight I missed going out & the 4 times my flight was delayed coming back. I think I spent more time in the airport than I actually did visiting my friend...if you have time to spare, go by air. We went to see Marcy Playground (yep, "Sex & Candy") in concert. I had a great time, I'm not talking front row seats, I'm talking stage side of the barracades, backstage & all that good stuff. Hanging out with Death Squad Security is killer. I hope they let me do it again. Thanks Shane! Since then things have not been too helping a friend move to a new city. I feel like that Allman Brothers song, "Nobody left to run with anymore...nobody left to do the crazy things we used to do before."

"I need a job!"

Having a bad day here. I was hungry and had no cash on me so I stop at the ATM machine (one I haven't been to before). I put in my card, etc. Then it says to take your cash. I can't figure out how to open the door to get my money out. It spits out my receipt & card and the door locks. I'm freakin'. So I decide to do another withdrawal and actually read the directions on how to open the door this time. There were no directions, it does the same thing, I'm pissed & freakin' by now. I am not ready to give up and I don't want to leave my money in there so I push, pull, & bang on that door until I finally get it open. I decided I should go home and take my blonde pills, maybe increase the dosage. I mean who can't figure out how to get their money out of an ATM machine?

Then I somehow crashed my whole ICQ contact list. I can't live without my ICQ friends, life is just too boring without you! So, please if I asked you to authorize me again, do it, do it, do it. Do it now!

One cool story... Last night I ran out of Diet Coke and this just won't do. So, Lazer, Cheyenne & I jump in the truck & head to town. About a quarter mile toward town I see something in the road. I thought it was a raccoon because I see them a lot but when I got closer I saw it was a beaver. Too cool, he/she was just walking across the road. I've never seen a beaver out here before, although I knew there were some out here. Maybe I should put up a "Beaver Crossing" sign.

"Somebody get me to the farm."

Oops! Sorry...the correct spelling is BUGZY.

Has anyone but me heard this really cool new song by Bugsy? I think it's Bugsy...who is Bugsy anyway? The lyrics are...

Well I'm sitting here in my bikini briefs
and I'm thinking 'bout just why you left
So I turn the TV on, hey it's
already 2 0'clock and
my how time flies when you're stoned
and there ain't no food left

If you ever come back could you pick up dinner
I can't get off this couch, it's been this way for weeks now
If you ever come back could you bring a pizza
It's gettin' late, I'm getting kinda hungry

I did make it to my 40th birthday...Yea Me! I had a good one. Thanks everyone for all the great stuff! I think I received nearly everything from the romance department, you know like roses, jewelry, perfume, candy. Yep, everything but the romance. Really, I'm:( not:( pouting:( :( :( :( :( :(
I had a good Valentine's Day too. My favorite Valentine card said..."Race Ya To The Love Shack!" My favorite song for Valentine's Day..."I smell 'Sex & Candy' here". Sound clip loading...

Congratulations to Michael LoSasso, DVM
Mike just purchased the Animal Care Clinic in Plano, Texas. He will be making his move February 17th. Speaking from the personal experience of having worked with him for nearly 4 years, I can say he is an excellent veterinarian and I will be moving all my crew to his new location. He treats small animals, birds and reptiles. If you're in that area you should check him out. Good Luck Mike! I'm proud for you. Click here to see Mike getting all wrapped up in his work.
Dr. Lo, Dr. Lo...calling Dr. Lo

Stressed out Lisa-
I have known a lot of women that when they have turned 30 they "freaked big time". I never could understand that. I was older than that and I didn't think I was old. What was their problem? Now that it's countdown to my big 40th birthday, I seem to have a few of those stupid feelings myself. Oh man, this just really sucks. I know I will wake up that day and I'll be the same ole Lisa, nothing different. I don't think 40 is old. I just hate the sound of it!
Fourty, 40, Four-0... I'm practicing

Peace, Love & All That Crap!

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