Website:dulich ! XD603
Chao mung cac ban da den voi website du lich cua lop xd603.
Hien goi web dang duoc hoan thien,moi cac ban tham quan.
     Chuc cac ban vui ve !
Danh sach mail xd603:
Ban co the su dung danh sach nay de gui mail:
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected],
[email protected], [email protected],
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[email protected], [email protected],
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[email protected],
[email protected].

Nhan toi cac thanh vien XD603:Trang web du dinh se tai diem cua cac ban len,xin ban gui cho toi cac thong tin sau de hoan thien Web:
-Ho ten cua ban
-ngay thang nam sinh
-nick name, dia chi mail
-dia chi nha rieng
-so dien thoai de lien lac

CHU/ Y/:
Neu/ co/ ban nao\ da scan anh? cua? lop/ xd603 len thi\ hay gui vao hom thu cua? minh de? minh dua no vao day!
Cam on ban rat nhieu!
My Favorite Links:
Xem phim
Xay dung1(xay nha)
Xay dung2(sua nha)
My Info:
Name: The Hung !
[email protected]
Ban la nguoi vieng tham thu:
Cac lien ket :{Dang xay dung!}
Trang chu cua lop xd603.
Giai tri
Hoc tap.

Tim web:
Nhap vao 1 tu khoa de tim kiem 1 trang Web bat ky:
[ Yahoo! ] options
Du lich:
Ban do hanh chinh:
Trang du lich cho phep ban tim kiem ban do cua 1 tinh thang pho o
viet nam hoac tren the goi/
cac tinh thanh:
1.Ha Noi
2.Hai Phong
3.Hung Yen
4.Nam Dinh
5.Nghe An
6.Thai Binh
Ban do tu nhien(dia diem du lich!)
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