After competing in 10 Midland runs spanning the last 13 years, I think I finally succeeded in figuring out how to enjoy the race: Run a marathon a few weeks before.

It was amazing how easy the race felt after running a marathon. I thought I might have trouble running fast because of my lack of short races, but the last few miles really were strong. The hill at 7 was over quickly. My 64:18 was a personal best by 22 seconds. It was definitely a day for PR's. the weather was perfect, the best Midland I can remember.

Held on the third Sunday in May, the Midland 15K has usually ushered in the hottest temperatures of the year. It is one of the most challenging and beautiful 15K courses anywhere.

The race has attracted some of the world's best runners when directed by Bob Bright in the late 70's. It is definitely the highlight of the New Jersey running season.

Midland is a tale of three hills. The first is a gradual climb between miles two and three, usually resulting in a slowish third mile for me. that was the case again today. The next hill is in the fourth mile. When it ends your quads appreciate the rest of a mostly downhill period that takes you past the 10K. The last hill occurs at 6 ½ and has tamed some of the world's best runners.

Even when I have successfully conquered it, I have paid such a price that the remaining couple of miles are a real struggle. Today was different as I hit 6:30 for the eighth mile. The finish was not as fast as I liked but I finished wondering where the next 17 miles were.

And I enjoyed many hours after that with famly and friends.

And the beer never ran out. It doesn't get much better.

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